Re: Ian Cruikshank

Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 13:08:11 MDT

Eric Watt Forste wrote:

> > TERRITORIALITY/CLANNISHNESS: extropians advocate creating your own
> > utopia of sorts, by only associating with people who share your
> > values and pursuits.
> This part is right. What, does Cruikshank really wish to be *forced*
> to associate with people who do not share his own values and
> pursuits? Is Cruikshank begging and pleading to be locked in a pit
> full of ravening extropians?

I think Ian's idea is not to associate with everyone 'as is', but everyone
after they've adopted his own warped world view (a pit full of Ian clones).
 I find his ideas very totalarian, rather than that of an anarchist. I think
the link to a webpage for 'slackers' on his website says more about him than
any of his e-mails. He favours a world where there is no rewards for hard
work, so that he can sit on his ass all day why we do the work for him.


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