Re: ETHICS: reprogramming others, trials, justice (was Re: remorse, w

From: Dan Hook (
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 15:48:33 MDT

Hash: SHA1

> From: Bob Grahame <>
> > How do you implement banishment if the Diaspora has
> > already headed out at .99 c?
> This could be a problem. It depends on the balance between the
> acceleration and the reproduction. Until (or if) we approach the Omega
> point then there is no real reason (that I can see) to stop and use
> every atom (or solar system) we come across. If we find space is pretty
> self-similar, it might pay us to expand out towards 'interesting' areas
> (unusual pulsars etc.) and ignore quite a proportion of intervening
> space, just leaving a few monitoring drones to 'stake our claim', if we
> want to. Much of America went unclaimed until the more economically
> active regions were filled out, and in an exponentially expanding sphere
> this may take a *long* time to happen. Of course, if 'we' choose to
> reproduce faster than we accelerate, there would be no niches left only
> a few points behind the leading edge.

        I think reproduction would expand to fill all available areas as soon as
possible. This is simply because if one entity decides to do so, there
be a lot more entities (or a lot more of that entity, growth is a type of
reproduction) around that think expansion anywhere is good.
        In addition, with nanotech it would be possible to transform an entire
system to mind by leaving a seed no bigger than a cubic micron. A bigger
could hold even more information (or the additional information could
be sent by the parent, who is hurtling towards those "interesting" spots at
the speed of light so as to arrive at the time it was needed).
        The colonization America is not a good example because human beings cannot
adapt themselves to any environment nor could they reproduce without
significant effort on the part of the parent, both conditions
entities will not have to worry about.

Dan Hook

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