Re: remorse, whatever that is

Date: Fri Jul 04 1997 - 13:50:07 MDT

In response to:

<Human Life = Sentience. That life may have sentience or not, but
<sentience always presupposes life is what separates the two. When I
<state "human life" I mean sentience, not life in general. The golden
<rule dictates that man treat his fellow man as he wishes to be treated.
<If one denies another continued sentience, society must assume that that
<one also seeks to be denied sentience.
<This does not conflict with the principle of innocent until proven
<guilty, as the accused is not necessarily the true killer, but once the
<killer is found by a process of evidentiary review by a jury of peers,
<society is morally bound to carry out the golden rule.
< Michael Lorrey

Won't it be great once we can just use nanotechnology to reprogram these
individuals! No more prisons, no more executions, just plain old
Shawn M. Johnson

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