looking for writings on SOVEREIGNTY (fwd)

From: Anton Sherwood (dasher@netcom.com)
Date: Wed Jul 02 1997 - 19:24:08 MDT

: Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 10:25:00 -0500
: From: Jim Bovard <jbovard@HIS.COM>
: I am doing some scribbling in political philosophy and am looking
: for writings on the topic of SOVEREIGNTY. If anyone can recommend
: either some excellent, insightful writers on this issue - or some
: really bad writing that will provide a good counterpoint - I would
: be much obliged. Also, are there any academic or other journals
: out there that deal competently with the subject?
: I am especially interested in writings containing
: * criticisms of the doctrine of sovereign immunity
: * historical writings on the evolution of the idea of sovereignty
: * how the doctrine of sovereignty is currently being abused to
: undermine freedom
: Thanks for the help!
: Jim Bovard
: jbovard@his.com

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