== No Subject ==

From: Tony Hollick (anduril@cix.compulink.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jul 01 1997 - 04:35:35 MDT

Steve Witham's SIG says:

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sw@tiac.net Steve Witham web page under reconsideration
"In many fairy tales the intrepid hero slays dragons, battles giants and
 monsters, witches and sorcerers. Eventually the intelligent child
 begins to wonder what these heroes are out to prove." --Bruno Bettelheim

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Bruno Bettelheim used to get his jollies by instructing the young girls
under his his custody and control to undress and take a shower.

When they came out og the showers, naked and glistening wet, he would put
them over his lap and 'spank' them in front of all the inmates.

Many of the young girls were very brave, and tried so hard not to cry.

What they didn't realize is that he would go on 'spanking' them until they
_did_ cry.

It's worthwhile finding out if -- on occasion -- he went on 'spanking'
them until thy _stopped_ crying, because they had broken psychologically,
and had given up on any hope of rescue...

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Now we can advance to a further level of understanding:

Take two texts:

'The Joy of Sex' by Alex Comfort;

'The Little Fascist' from 'What do you say after you say "Hello?" by Eric
Berne. Interestingly, this chapter is omitted from the Collected Work...

Next, read * scrupulously * the illustrated literature on the
demonstration killing of JonBenet Ramsey.

Then advance to this next posting:

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------
liberty/2general #203, from anduril, 9206 chars, Jun 21 05:29 97
Comment to 202. Comments. More refs to 202.
In message <202>, doghouse said:

><<< Paedophiles constitute no particular threat to members of the public
>(of any age),>>>
>er...despite appearances, I'm not 'wading in' here....but could I ask
>what basis you have for this?
>:-) Mick Dyer (NB the smiley, its a genuine question.....)


This is not a 'popular' case to argue (civil liberties seldom are).

There's an academic study, 'Child Loving' written by (ISTR) William
Kinkaid [publ. RKP] which I haven't read.

Let's look at that seriously.

Firstly, at a methodological level: (Pardon my French!)

Following logician Alfred Tarski, we can say:

"The statement 'Les pedophiles sont particulierement dangereuse aux les
membres de public' is thrue if -- and only if - paedophiles are, in fact,
particularly dangerous to members of the public." Ironically, such
relationships are known in France as 'Special friendships.' There's a
novel of that name, by Roger de Peyrefitte, which is on this topic. No
sex in it, BTW.

We do not have a good statistical basis for knowing how many members of
the population are 'paedophiles.' The American Academic Hypertext
Encyclopaedia by Grolier [1993] describes people who find pre-pubescent
children sexually attractive. But consider: such preferences are not
binary. They range from people being completely erotically indifferent to
pre-pubescent children, through to finding them (or some of them -- but
which? One? All of them?) sexually _irresistable_.

Sexual attraction can only properly apply to a reproductive context. So
we're not dealing with sexuality at all -- pre-pubescent girls cannot
reproduce, and boys and men cannot reproduce at all, except with fertile

So we're really considering unilateral eroticism -- an internally
experienced erotic attraction, which ranges from (say) zero to a hundred
percent -- we have no _metric_ for it, anyway -- and reciprocated erotic
interactions - an exchange of intellectual and sensory experience.

But erotic feelings are internally-experienced 'World II' phenomena --
again, there is no external metric. And they can therefore have _no
impact whatsoever on other people_ (except insofar as other people can
sense them at some tacit level).

Insofar as pre-pubescent children actually have no capacity -- knowledge and
experience -- of and for for erotic arousal, they can hardly either sense
it in other people, or understand it either.

So we just don't know. The positivist assertion must therefore be false.

But is it objectively true, all unbeknownst to us?

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

Cut to the chase.

People are understandably very concerned about strangers who forcibly
inflict unwanted physical assaults (of varying degrees of severity) on
children who never sought out such behaviour. But this is very rare -- in
the case of grave genital or anal assaults.

Insofar as grave physical abuse by strangers _does_ occur, it
predominantly occurs in situations where the children are deprived of
liberty -- i.e. in childrens' 'homes' and schools. There is much
empirical evidence for this. Vastly more grave assaults on children
(genital and/or anal) occur at the hands of their parents, in the home:
people who have 'legitimate' power over them.

In almost all cases, these assaults can actually be completely prevented
and stopped, and children need no longer suffer, or -- like Jonbenet Ramsey,
aged 6, be hideously tortured and then murdered.

[ Either one or other of her parents killed her, or -- vastly more
probable -- it was a carefully planned and executed 'demonstration'
killing, carried out by paid psychopaths. The investigating authorities
are not making it very easy to discover the facts in this matter]. Time
will tell.

Asking 'What powerful and unpleasant people has John Ramsey upset?' might
prove a fruitful line of inquiry.

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

        The real-world solution is simple: equip all children with
personalized miniature radio 'search-and-rescue' beacons, activated _by
them_ in crisis situations and emitting a personalized radio alarm signal,
 This can be instantly picked up, the source location triangulated and
given Global Positioning Coordinates, and appropriate rescue services sent
to the scene immediately, by the fastest possible means.

        The small units can be worn as pendants, bracelets, on a belt.
Anywhere accessible to the child should they be in a crisis situation.
Training children to use them is simple. They're very cheap to manufacture.
Come to think of it, we could all do with these -- it results in
incident-driven policing at the behest of the person under threat. This
would be most fruitful in reconfiguring policing to be a system of
delegated self-defence, rather than a means of social control operated by
the governing hierarchical authorities.

Microlert was offering such a service for US $30 a year in California, in
the Seventies.

Advocates of authoritarian and violent parenting and schooling (Gillick,
Howard, Shephard, Feulner) _hate and detest_ this sort of idea, which is
now actually being made available to children under threat within their
homes, in America...

Ask yourself why it is, that the 'authorities' seem to have so little
concern for the phyical, psychological and emotional well-being of each
and every one of us -- children _and_ adults.

The exaggerated 'AIDS' propaganda backfired on the 'moral' authoritarians,
resulting in a vast proliferation of erotic non-penetrative activity --
so-called 'safe sex.'

The social-control freaks are _really pissed off_ about this failure. A
lot of effort and resources went into the scare.

Stuff called BHT (E321) -- a near-perfectly-safe food preservative and
anti-oxidant -- zaps all lipid-coated viruses it's so far been tesed on,
in 250 mg. oral daily doses. No side-effects, no immunocompromize effects.

It's generic, and sells for around five bucks a kilo.

Do a WWW search on 'Fowkes' and 'BHT'

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

The idea of children remaining 'innocent' in the context of modern
tobacco, confectionery and newspaper shops is quite risible, insofar as
there are all that many children incapable of erotic responses left. Go
look at the magazine racks in any shop. Just look at the cover pictures
and text.

        Orchestrated witch-hunts against mostly harmless and inoffensive
people is much nearer what the 'authorities seem to want to go in for.
Coercion. Wonder why?

No civil libertarian should have much of a problem answering that: --



                              SOCIAL CONTROL
                              BIGGER BUDGETS

                       MORE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES

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I'm hardly any kind of 'paedophile' -- my idea of 'attractive' is the
glorious Olivia Newton-John. >:-}

But I did see my best friend lying in a mortuary, with ice crystals on his
face, stone dead. He liked emotional involvemet with -- and on occasion
mutual erotic play with -- good-looking boys between the ages of twelve
and fourteen. They seemed to welcome it, AFAIK. If I'd had any reason to
think that they didn't, he wouldn't have been a friend of mine for a
moment longer.

With me was another good friend with similar inclinations. He went on to
become a top Royal Navy carrier pilot and a gifted 'TOP GUN' air combat
trainer. He trained to fly one-way nuclear mission against the USSR --
which would have killed and maimed millions of people, had he been ordered
to do it. Quite futile, too -- when someone asked 'but we haven't the
fuel capacity to get back, they were told: "What do you think will be left
here to get back to?"

He ceased to have any interest in younger boys as he grew older, but is
still an 'out' gay in Oz.

I have no reason to think that either of them ever did any kind of harm to
anyone. I don't have friends who are like that.

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

One of the parents resented their son's attachment to my best friend, and
'sweated' a 'confession' out of their son... The police were summoned,
and very commendably seemed suprisingly unconcerned, and he was charged
with 'indecent exposure', ISTR. However, they told him he couldn't expect
to go on 'doing it.'

All too true.

A little later, he was found dead by his mother and sister.



"Freedom means doing what you damn well like." -- Senator Barry Goldwater

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   | Anduril@cix.compulink.co.uk * Anthony Hugh (Tony) Hollick |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | Rainbow Bridge Foundation * * * Centre for Liberal Studies |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | 4 Grayling House, Canford Rd: * Bristol BS9 3NU Tel: 9501894 |

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If JonBenet Ramsey were to return, what would she do?

She knows who killed her, and the sort of people they are.

Imagine that she -- and those close to her -- are Jedi Knights.

Perhaps she'd do a personality pattern matching analysis.

Children are very skilled at this.

Imagine she comes to such people in their dreams, and reiteratively
seduces them, tortures them, and is tortured to death by them.

Then she starts all over again...

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

Here's Eric Berne, on 'The Little Fascist':

"Every human being seems to have a little fascist in their head. This is
derived from the deepest layers of the personality...

"A fascist may be defined as a person who has no respect for living tissue,
and regards it as his prey...

"It became less impotant to kill him (or her) than to hear or watch him (or
her) scream and grovel. This became the essence of fascism -- a roving
band seeking male or female pey to torment or deride -- whose art lay in
probing for the victim's weaknesses...

"There are two by-products of the grovel, both of them advantageous to the
aggressor. The biological effect is pleasure and excitement, with the
victim available to indulge even the most ingenious perversions, the
favorite of record being anal rape...

"Torture brings about a peculiar intimacy between the torturer and the
victim, and a profound insight into each others souls, an intimacy
otherwise lacking in both their lives...

"The other by-product is a purely [?] commercial one...

"Compare: '800 of their soldiers by my arms I destroyed: their populace in
the flames I burned: their boys, their maidens I dishonoured. 1000 of
their warriors' corpses on a hill I piled up. On the first of May, I
killed 800 of their fighting men, I burned their many houses, their boys
and maidens I dishonored... etc.. (From the Annals of Assur-Nasir-pal,
Column II, about 870 BCE).

"Thus for at least 2800 years there have been willing and eager corpse-counters.

From: "What Do You Say After You Say Hello? The Psychology of Human
Destiny" by Eric Berne, MD. (Doctors often participate in torture

JonBenet Ramsey's brief life and terrible death will make a magnificent
and powerful drama-documentary. Her Return will make a magnificent film.

" FX: "Good Hunting", JonBenet! ]

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

Admiral Noel A. M. Gayler designed SIOP, the Single Integrated Oprational
Plan, America's global nuclear warfighting strategy. He now campaigns for
the global abolition of nuclear weapons and a reduction in military forces
down to police levels. (Ref: Kaplan et. al., "The Wizards of Armageddon").

I know Admiral Gayler a little:

After speaking with him at his home in Alexandria ( the Pentagon's Flag
Officers' Desk gave me his home address), I sent him a preliminary outline
of an alternative Twelve Track Parallel Plan to achieve a world of free,
peaceful and prosperous individuals, being themselves and living their own
lives in a world with the absolute minimum of necessary violence.

With the paper, I enclosed a copy of Bryan Magee's crystalline short
introduction to Karl Popper's work. I knew he'd like it -- We're

I was so disappointed when he never responded.

Still, the other day I followed my friend Mac's advice, stuck in a
prominent position on his Navy twin-jet fighter's instrument panel:


So I called the Admiral.

He was most surprised -- my mailing had never arrived...

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

AFAIK, SIOP had elements of 'fail-deadly' launch procedures.

If communications were cut, launch procedures initiated 'automatically.'

In my plan, there are fail-safe procedures and error-checking.

For all we know, BOTH of these Plans are active.

Insofar as this may be so, we all may hope that mine 'gets there' first.

"Buy, Buy!"

[ FX: "No, not Microsoft Corporation shares..." ] >:-}

         / /\ \


{ "We are all divine sparks in the Flame Imperishable." ]






are _all_ Tetragrams.

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