Re: Questions about Anarcho-capitalism

From: Abraham Moses Genen (
Date: Fri Jun 27 1997 - 19:04:07 MDT

From: Hagbard Celine <>
Subject: Re: Questions about Anarcho-capitalism
Date: Thursday, June 26, 1997 2:36 AM

Hagbard Celine wrote:

> Where there exists a law, there must
> exist coercion, otherwise what is its point? And where there exists
> coercion, there exists something doing the coercing. Whether or not it's
> a person or a piece of paper, it's government pure and simple.

Abraham Moses Genen wrote:

> At the unfortunate risk of being disagreable I have to state that in the
> real world coercion has very little to do with drafting and enacting
> legislation.

What did you think I was saying?

I feel that you have entirely missed my point. Any law/statute -- no
matter how it was achieved -- is not a law unless it is enforced. You
need not be in law school to know that law enforcement is by definition
coercion. Or more simply, "Follow this rule or else!"

Hagbard Celine
Not a clerk of the nostalgia of the declining ruling class.
Dear Hagbard and other fellow Extropians,
Unfortunately, voluntary compliance to most ethical and moral principals is
primarily by its breach.
Can anyone provide me with a viable social alternative to "coercion"???

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