RE: How Important is Money?

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Wed Jun 25 1997 - 17:41:45 MDT

     Max More posted:
     I've always thought a pretty good test of intelligence was to ask
     someone what they would do with $X, and keeping increasing the value of
     X until they can't think of anything else to do with it, except buy 50
     Rolls Royce's (as a certain guru did not long ago). I suspect most
     people on this list wouldn't have any trouble finding sensible ways to
     spend their first trillion dollars.
     My addition/clarification to that:
     First off, thanks Max for instilling a measure of vision and nobility
     into a topic and about which I started getting my ire up.
     I would like to add that although the notion of "plenty" may be a
     non-issue for some extropians, it is not necessarily a measure of a
     person's worthiness or intellect that s/he settles for substantially
     less. Rather, it is a limitation of his/her imagination and to that
     extent, those with loftier aspirations should graciously allow them to
     be or inspire them further.
     Although I don't scrutinously follow Bill Gates' entrepreneurial or
     philanthropic efforts, it is hard not to regard him ultimately as
     short-sighted and somewhat facist, given the incredibly and
     precedent-setting resources he has amassed.
     I think the mental exercise of what to do with a trillion dollars
     could ultimately end up chasing its own tail in the paradigm that some
     of us (including me) imagine, where humans are not auto-driven by
     greed and acquisition but by vision and a sense of connectivity and
     purpose. Motivation by acquisition seems primitive by comparison,
     rather like giving the dolphin a fish or the chimp a banana if it does
     a learned task. Sure it's where we come from, evolutionarily
     speaking, but where are we headed and how quickly? Pretty quickly
     considering the global neural network expansion and explosion of
     technological innovation.
     And where are we headed?
     In Star Trek: First Contact, Picard and the 21st century character,
     Lily have a discussion about the enormous cost of titanium to build a
     ship the size of the Enterprise. It was so encouraging to hear Picard
     speak of a world to come that was not motivated by acquisition and
     self-centered pursuit, as if Gene Rodenberry (whom I regard as a late
     20th century H.G. Wells) continued to promote his philosophy beyond
     the grave. Is it naive and altruistic to envision and work toward a
     world where many extropian notions of success are rendered moot? And
     granted, we have to work within the given paradigm but any
     motivational speaker will tell you to start living the way you
     imagine, the way you desire. (And that doesn't mean doing irrational
     things like buying a Rolls while you are on the welfare "rolls".)
     If the definition of extropian includes continually pushing the limits
     of what it is to be human, where would considerations such as this
     factor in?
     I wonder if it would take a trillion dollars to make the Enterprise?

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