Re: GAME: Strike Commander

From: Eric Watt Forste (
Date: Mon Jun 23 1997 - 16:10:22 MDT

Erik Moeller writes:
> Yeah, bomb 'em out. An eye for an eye! You take my dollars, I take
> your life. Very transhuman ideology indeed.

Such a sanctimonious fellow! I don't suppose you've ever played a violent
video game (which was the subject under discussion, not any actual acts
of violence, though admitted some slow people might not be able to tell
the difference) or watched and enjoyed a violent movie? Raised in a
Buddhist monastery perhaps?

I should have refrained from replying, because all I'm doing is pointing
out that your post is free of content, which is the one sin worse than
initiating a content-free post, but I'm not afraid to sin occasionally.

Eric Watt Forste ++ ++ perl: the cobol of a new generation

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