Where's God?

From: Meisner@act.org
Date: Thu Jun 19 1997 - 14:20:58 MDT

  From one of the religion-and-genetics posts:

> [...]
> ...assume that there is Some Big Smart Entity out there...
> [...]

  I think some of us are a bit too hasty to dismiss the possible
  existence of Some Big Smart Entity. Given reasonable assumptions, the
  present existence of such an Entity is inescapable. If you believe that:

  1) Evolution to unlimited power and intelligence has a nonzero
     probability of occuring, given a reasonably complex universe;

  2) Reasonably complex universes have existed, at least
     occasionally, throughout an infinite past;
     (It seems unlikely that our own Big Bang could have been the
     only one to ever occur.)

  3) Given infinite past time, anything having a nonzero probability
     will have happened;

  it follows logically that

  4) Evolution to unlimited power and knowledge has already happened.
     That is, the "Big Smart Entity", or "God", or whatever you want
     to call Hir, does in fact exist.

  Forget the Ontological, Cosmological, and Teleological Arguments.
  The Evolutionary Argument for the Existence of God rules.

  Now the really interesting question:

  Why, after infinite past time, with Some Big Smart Entity having
  surely evolved by now, do we find ourselves in a universe with more
  than a sextillion stars wastefully dissipating their energy; i.e. a
  universe full of chaos and entropy?

  This is, perhaps, an extrauniversal extension of Fermi's Paradox: a
  typical intergalactic civilization should be able to do a great deal to
  control cosmic entropy, slapping Dyson spheres around all those stars
  to prevent their waste of energy and whatnot. So why do we live in such
  a wasteful galaxy, among so many other wasteful galaxies? As Fermi
  asked, "Where are they?" And why aren't they cleaning things up?

  Going on to consider the likelihood that Big Smart Entities of
  unlimited power and intelligence exist, somewhere, having had infinite
  past time in which to develop, why haven't they organized all of
  Reality by now?

  Possible types of explanations: they can't organize all of Reality;
  they don't care to organize all of Reality; or they in fact don't

  1) Big Smart Entities (BSEs) are incapable of influencing this
  universe. This would imply that

    1a) There has been as yet no evolution to unlimited power and
    intelligence in this particular universe.
    1b) BSEs that evolve in other spacetime bubbles are forever
    confined to those bubbles, no matter how far they advance in
    power and intelligence, so that they are incapable of influencing
    All of Reality in general, and our universe in particular.
    That is, there are in fact some ultimate limits to the
    implementation of power and intelligence.

  In addition to being a bit depressing, I find (1b) implausible.
  Even our lowly pre-interstellar race is beginning to conceive of
  theoretical possibilities for wormholing out of this spacetime bubble.

  2) BSEs are able but not willing to impose order on our universe.

  Perhaps they find universes full of entropy interesting to watch
  from time to time. Perhaps they are completely involved in virtual
  realities, completely unconcerned with our universe.

  I have trouble with this explanation as well. Given infinite past
  time and infinitely many universes, BSEs will have evolved not once,
  but (if allowed by previous BSEs) infinitely many times. If only *one*
  of them wants to impose order on our messy spacetime bubble, it will
  have been done.

  3) Perhaps Reality is not infinite after all, and no BSE has yet
  evolved - i.e., perhaps there was an Ultimate First Event a finite
  number of events ago, with not enough time yet for a BSE to evolve.

  Again, I have a hard time with this possibility. An Ultimate Limit
  on past events just seems counterintuitive to me.

  But this seems to exhaust the possible types of explanation.

  So, in sympathy with Fermi, I'm wondering not only "Why are there no
  signs of extraterrestrial extropic activity?" but, even more,
  "Where are the infinitely advanced extrauniversal intelligences?"
  Why, after infinite time for power/intelligence to evolve, does a big
  chunk of Reality remain out of control?

  -Ric Meisner

  "And they conversed together in Visionary forms dramatic which bright
  Redounded from their Tongues in thunderous majesty, in Visions,
  In new Expanses, creating exemplars of Memory and of Intellect,
  Creating Space, Creating Time"

  -William Blake, _Jerusalem_

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