Sensitive issues

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Mon Jun 16 1997 - 11:19:47 MDT

     Hal Finney wrote:
     "I should add that I am tired of people claiming that we fear or react
     defensively to these terms. That's just an attempt to argue by
     intimidation, and I find it rude."
     I reply,
     Sorry if I am one of those people. It does occur for me that amongst
     the many contributors to this list, there is a preference for those
     things most proveable, tangible and material rather than anything
     etherial, supposed, or otherwise imagined. I think there is validity
     in both arenas and one should be neither entirely material and
     pragmatic or lost in the clouds and a naive nudnick for any slick
     story/meaning of life that comes along.
     I certainly don't regard my tactic as arguing by intimidation (since I
     don't profess to argue and intimidation is a shut down tactic in order
     to be "right"/win, which in turn, limits information exchange).
     Rudeness is interpretation and for the most part, the wordings of many
     posts would have to be fairly explicit for me to interpret them as
     rude since so much meaning is not imparted by this media (no body
     language, inflection, etc., just words).
     So it could be circularly observed that to brand comments (none were
     referenced so we'll just go with the general tone of the digest) as
     attempts to intimidate and then further labeling those comments rude
     is a defense/fear mechanism in and of itself. Moreover, deciding to
     be offended may be regarded as a tactic to divert attention away from
     the informational exchange to devote to oneself and their feelings.
     Rather a lot to extrapolate on such a brief statement but I am somehow
     strangely compelled.

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