Re: Extropian cult listing

From: Len Flatley (
Date: Sat Jun 14 1997 - 19:42:02 MDT

On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Kathryn Aegis wrote:
> read something like "a fringe cult based in Californa". I'll drop by
> the bookstore sometime this week and see if I can find it again.

        a coworker of mine has the same book, titled "alt.culture"
        i believe. the word cult was used in the classic context,
        as in a small group of like minded people. i'd say it was
        pretty accurrate.

                                       MAYBE I AM NOT VERY HUMAN - WHAT I
                                       WANTED TO DO WAS PAINT SUNLIGHT
                                       ON THE SIDE OF A HOUSE
                                            Edward Hopper
len flatley

> At 07:42 PM 6/10/97 -0500, wrote:
> >I jest, but seriously, does anyone know the names of the sources mentioned
> >earlier listing Extropians as a cult?
> I was holding the book in my hands last year in a bookstore. It was a
> guide to groups and organizations that purported to have the
> Generation X angle, and I saw Extropians listed in the index. The entry
> WARNING, HUMOR.future scenario: Max dies and his frozen head
> is enshrined at Alcor. Two thousand years hence, he has been
> canonized as the founder of a religion with major economic and
> political holdings, and the priests who control it refuse to allow him
> to be revived. "Best Do It So" has been corrupted into "Just Do It", and
> moral imperatives force everyone to wear black t-shirts and Nike shoes.
> A small band of rebels known as the Excelsior League forms an underground
> resistance. In an attempt to remove the symbolic power of Max's
> corpus, they into Alcor and takes a blowtorch to Max's chamber.
> (Hmm, that didn't end well for Max, did it!)
> Sin,
> Kathryn Aegis

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