Re: they wont let me access

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Jun 09 1997 - 23:55:15 MDT

On Sun, 8 Jun 1997, Kathryn Aegis wrote:

> Max, In case you haven't yet seen this, Extropians are listed as a
> cult on several resources, including one web site and one print book.
> I didn't think much of it because I thought that someone had seen it,
> and I don't remember the name of the book now, but it's getting
> around. Some sort of directory of groups.

How is cult defined, anyway? A group sharing a common set of beliefs
noticeably different than those of the average Joe? Then I'd guess we are
a cult. (Hey, who will be passing around special kool-aid at Extro3 ?)


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