Libertarian conf. in Andover, MA

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat May 17 1997 - 14:05:57 MDT

Here is an announcement I got from the Libertarian Party for a
conference in June. I plan on going. Are any others interested in going
and meeting there?

> The Major Libertarian Event of 1997 is coming to Andover, Mass.
> (just north of Boston) on the Weekend of June 7th and 8th.
> Remember the crackling electricity in the air when Harry Browne
> and Gene Burns raised the rafters at historic Faneuil Hall last year?
> This Major Libertarian Event on June 7th and 8th may well match
> the energy and excitement of Harry Browne and Gene Burns in 1996 -- and
> help you learn to be as persuasive and effective as them.
> Read on and see why...
> Announcing: Success `97-New England... Everything you ever
> wanted to know about how to easily, enjoyably, and effectively win
> people to libertarianism now. About winning people into the
> Libertarian Party now.
> What is Success `97? And What's In It for You?
> Success `97 will show you the Secrets of Libertarian
> Communication, the Secrets of Libertarian Political Progress and
> Success.
> Want people to say `Yes!' to libertarian ideas? Success `97
> will show you how.
> Want a local Libertarian Party organization that attracts media
> attention? Success `97 will show you how.
> Want a fast-growing, thriving state Libertarian Party? Success
> `97 will show you how.
> Success `97 is a two-day, intensive Libertarian leadership,
> communication, and campaign workshop. It's your chance to get the
> tools and polish the skills you need to reach the level of Libertarian
> success you've only dreamed about.
> Success '97-New England will be held at the beautiful Ramada
> Rolling Green Inn and Conference Center in Andover, Mass. The Ramada
> is at the intersection of I-495 and I-93, an easy drive from anywhere
> in the New England area.
> Will these ideas and skills help you become a more effective
> Libertarian? Yes!
> Will they equip you to be a better Libertarian communicator,
> activist, leader, or candidate? You bet!
> But you get even more. These skills will help you communicate
> and lead in your career. And the communication secrets will help you
> reach the hearts and minds of those you care most about.
> What will you learn?
> * How to be a black belt persuasive communicator.
> * How to write news releases that make the media call you;
> brochures that make people say, "I agree"; and newsletters
> that jump start local Libertarian activism.
> * How to raise the money you need for Libertarian projects that
> matter. How to raise $100 per member per year for your
> Libertarian organization. How to raise $2,500 in only 7 days
> -- all from NON-Libertarians -- for your Libertarian Campaign.
> * How to double or triple the size of your state or local
> Libertarian Party in the next 12 months.
> * How to re-organize your Libertarian Party for success.
> * How to organize and gear up Libertarian campaigns that take your
> breath away.
> * Mapping the road to victory.
> * Making it happen: Turning ideas into action. How to set
> demanding but achieveable goals; develop timelines; prepare
> budgets; and find and activiate effective volunteers.
> * And more!
> What did the participants have to say about the first Success '97
> conference?
> " of the most informative, fun meetings I've ever attended."
> Emily Salvette, immediate past state chair, Michigan
> "...nothing but praise..."
> Dick Kruse, state chair, Iowa
> "...I have not stopped talking about it..."
> Michael Dixon, LP of Illinois
> Who's going to teach these Seminars?
> Six Successful Libertarians who started out where you are. Who
> learned these lessons the hard way. Who can teach you short cuts and
> secrets so you can learn these lessons the easy, enjoyable, effective
> way.
> Plus, as an added bonus...
> Jerry Russell: A professional campaign consultant with a
> stunning 70% + winning record, whose
> specialty is winning underfunded, underdog
> campaigns.
> Introducing the Success '97 Faculty:
> 1. Steve Dasbach: Libertarian Party National Chairman; former
> Indiana LP State Chairman; organizer of
> Success '97
> 2. Perry Willis: LP National Director; former San Diego LP
> Executive Director; an expert in direct mail
> fundraising and membership growth
> 3. Bill Winter: LP National Communications Director; former
> New Hampshire LP State Chairman; an expert in
> communications and building a successful
> state party
> 4. Ron Crickenberger: LP National Political Director; campaign
> manager for a winning Libertarian campaign;
> the LP's most experienced campaign
> professional
> 5. Barbara Goushaw: Jon Coon's amazing Campaign Manager; an
> expert in recruiting and motivating campaign
> volunteers
> 6. Michael Cloud: Libertarian Party's all-time champion event
> fundraiser; creator of "Essence of Political
> Persuasion" tapes; widely-quoted phrase-maker,
> speaker, and writer
> Imagine a weekend with these masterful Libertarian communicators
> and activists, plus a winning professional campaign consultant.
> Imagine a weekend with Libertarians just like you --
> Libertarians from Maine or Massachusetts, Connecticut or Rhode Island,
> New Hampshire and Vermont. Libertarians who want to achieve freedom in
> our time.
> You'd expect to pay a fortune for this kind of "Fantasy Island"
> weekend, wouldn't you?
> You're way high.
> Success `97 will cost you LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE each hour!
> AND: you can attend a banquet speech with the Libertarian
> speaker that JO JORGENSEN says, "is hands-down, the best speaker in the
> Libertarian Party." The Libertarian that HARPER'S Magazine quoted.
> This June 7th banquet speech will be the Unforgettable Libertarian
> Speech of 1997.
> Great News: If you register for the Libertarian Success `97
> Weekend of June 7th and 8th PLUS the June 7th Banquet, you'll pay ONLY
> $89. But to get this $30 DISCOUNT, you need to register by May 23th.
> Please RSVP by May 23th to Mr. Kris Williams:
> PHONE: 202-333-0085
> OR PHONE: 202-333-0008 ext. 228
> FAX: 202-333-0072
> 2600 Virginia Ave., NW
> Suite 100
> Washington, D.C. 20037
> OR: If you want to attend the Libertarian Success `97 Weekend
> Seminars only, the cost is only $59. IF YOU RSVP BY MAY 23TH.
> OR: If you want to attend the Banquet Dinner Only: $50.
> Please reserve you place now. Call Mr. Kris Williams at PHONE
> 202-333-0085.
> Success '97-New England will be held at the beautiful Ramada
> Rolling Green Inn and Conference Center in Andover, Mass. The Ramada is
> at the intersection of I-495 and I-93, an easy drive from anywhere in
> the New England area. Just for Libertarians attending this event, we
> have negotiated a special discount room rate of just $79 per night. Be
> sure to mention that you are with the Libertarian Party to get this
> special rate when you make your reservations by calling 1-800-2-RAMADA.
> Even if you can't attend the entire weekend seminar, you won't
> want to miss the exciting Success '97 Banquet -- featuring master
> Libertarian communicator Michael Cloud, the man who organized the Harry
> Browne for President Campaign.
> Michael Cloud will speak on "24 Carat Liberty or Freedom Fool's
> Gold: Why We Must Grow the Libertarian Party Now."
> What do they say about Michael Cloud:
> Jo Jorgensen says, "Michael Cloud's speeches are
> thought-provoking, crowd-rousing, brilliant, and unforgettable. He gives
> you new insights, new outlooks, and new twists on stuff you thought you
> knew. Michael Cloud is hands-down, the best speaker in the Libertarian
> Party."
> Sharon Harris, President of Advocates, says, "Michael Cloud's
> speeches pulse with humor and stories and examples. Michael entertains
> and educates and excites audiences. Michael Cloud makes you think."
> Harry Browne says, "Michael Cloud is a brilliant speaker. He's not
> just a fountainhead of ideas; he's a Mississippi river of creativity."
> You will kick youself if you miss this.
> Call Mr. Kris Williams right now at PHONE 202-333-0085.
> Need more info to say "Yes!"?
> Read page 9 of the May issue of Libertarian Party News.
> Or call Mr. Kris Williams NOW at PHONE 202-333-0085 or
> 202-333-0008 ext. 228.
> Call now -- before the May 23 discount deadline ends.
> ************************************************************************
> New England Andover, Mass June 7 & 8, 1997
> Mid-Atlantic Washington, DC June 28 & 29, 1997
> Mid-West Indianapolis, IN July 19 & 20, 1997
> Mid-America Kansas City, MO September 6 & 7, 1997
> Southwest Austin, TX September 27 & 28, 1997
> West Coast Los Angeles, CA October 18 & 19, 1997
> Rocky Mountains Denver, CO November 8 & 9, 1997
> Southern States Atlanta, GA January 10 & 11, 1998
> ************************************************************************
> Version: 2.6.2
> H/Qj2QFcvYz2RMWlETxnMR5PP9ydsbQfZ18HXRgxv15xW9Vk+6iURuFLryjIrkzk
> ckGjU+BxuuC9DTbxT8Bc7Lqn5NW8h7fbtdQBujk512skurlLP97aSViD2DpDxQx6
> Pm2yj9zXWWE=
> =75I6
> The Libertarian Party
> 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100 voice: 202-333-0008
> Washington DC 20037 fax: 202-333-0072
> For subscription changes, please mail to <> with the
> word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line -- or use the WWW form.

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------		Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Mikey's Animatronic Factory
My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA)
MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday
Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH)
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