ECON: Why Cuba suffers

From: Erik Moeller (
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 15:51:10 MDT

9 May 1997

> Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 19:50:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Cuban American National Alliance <>
> Subject: U.S. Biological Warfare Against Cuba




29 APRIL 1997

Fifty-second session
Item 80 of the preliminary list:
Note verbale dated 28 April 1997 from the Permanent Mission
of Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents
its compliments to the Secretary-General and, with regard to
item 80 of the preliminary list, has the honour to convey
hereby a report on the appearance in Cuba of the Thrips
palmi plague (see annex).
In this respect, the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United
Nations, following instructions from its Government, kindly
requests that the present letter and the attached report be
circulated to all Member States as an official document of
the General Assembly.

Information about the appearance in Cuba of the Thrips palmi
I.- Description of the facts.
1-On 21 October 1996, at 10.08 hours, crew members of
  scheduled flight CU- 170 of Cubana de Aviacion (Cuban
  Airlines), on board a Fokker-27 aircraft, flying region
  of Cuba, noticed a single-engine airplane flying from
  north to south, at about 1, 000 feet (300 metres) above
  them, apparently spraying or sprinkling unknown
  substances - some seven times - in an intermittent
2-At that very moment, Cubana de Aviacion Fokker aircraft
  was located 25 to 30 kilo metres south of Varadero, in
  Matanzas Province., flying at an altitude of 9, 000 feet
  and at a speed of 400 kilo metres per hour.
3-According to scheduled flights, objective radar control
  and recordings of radio conversations between the
  airplanes and ground control when the south in a course
  perpendicular to the Cubana de Aviacion flight was a
  fumigation aircraft Model SAR, register N3093M, of the
  civilian aircraft registry of the United States of
  America, operated by the State Department of that
  country, as stated in the flight authorization requested
  to the Institute registry of civilian aircraft . The
  above-mentioned airplane had taken off from Patrick
  United States Air Force Base, in Cocoa Beach in the state
  of Florida, bound for Grand Cayman.
4-The Cubana pilot immediately reported to flight control
  on the release of unknown substances, in the form of a
  white or greyish mist, by the SAR airplane. The Cuban air
  controller established communication with the United
  States aircraft and asked whether it was having any
  technical problem, to which the pilot's answer was "NO".
  He was also asked about the type of aircraft he was
  flying, answering that it was a single-engine AY-65. That
  conversation is recorded on tape.
5-On 18 December 1996, the first signs of the presence of a
  Thrips plague appeared in Matanzas Province, at potato
  plantations of the Diamant variety, sowed 38 days before
  on the "Lenin" State Horticultural Farm in Javelins
  Municipality. Samples of these organism were sent to the
  Central Quarantine Laboratory of the National Pest
  Control Center.
6-On 26 December 1996, the Cuban ministry of Foreign
  Affairs presented a note of complaint to the United
  States Interest Section in Havana regarding the incident
  that had occurred in the Giron corridor, urging the
  United States party to take appropriate measures aimed at
  the clarification of the event.
7-On 12 February 1997, the United States Interest Section
  in Havana handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  of Cuba a reply to that note, stating that on the day of
  the incident, the United states pilot had, during his
  flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below,
  and as he was nor certain of having seen, "following
  caution and safety procedures, and with the purpose of
  securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the
  "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to indicate
  its location" adding that "the smoke vanished and no
  fluid was poured from the airplane".
8-On 14 February 1997, the Central Quarantine Laboratory
  confirmed that the insect examined was the Thrips palmi
  karay, exotic to Cuban territory until that moment.
9-The Thrips palmi is indigenous to Asia. Since 1985 it has
  scattered across certain Caribbean zones, including
  Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. It is a
  polyphagous phytophagan that infects practically all
  crops, weeds and ornamental plants. It is reported to be
  a vector of viruses such as that known as TSWV. It is an
  insect of difficult diagnosis, unknown to the majority of
  Cuban specialists. It is self-propagated within a field,
  and into neighbouring ones, disseminating mostly when
  seedlings, fruits and vegetal material, including
  topsoils, are moved from one place to another. It also
  scatters by aerial means, particularly its larvae. It is
  resistant to temperature changes. Its reproductive cycle
  lasts between 15 and 21 days, depending on the host
10- Taking into the levels of highest density of the
  insect population, it could be ascertained that the
  primary source of the outbreak was located on the above-
  mentioned "Lenin" State Horticultural Farm. Smaller
  outbreaks were pinpointed in fields close to the villages
  of Maximo Gomez and Bolondron, also in Matanzas Province,
  a few kilo metres away from the main source.
11- In the first half of January 1997, outbreaks of the
  same insect were spotted in municipalities south of
  Havana Province, bordering Matanzas, affecting corn,
  beans, pumpkins, cucumbers and other crops.
12- Once the insect was identified, the Government of
  Cuba adopted a programme of emergency measures to fight
  it, including chemical control, through the purchase of
  pesticides, which in spite of its high cost, have not
  achieved effective results.
13- At the end of March 1997, The Government of Cuba,
  complying with international regulations, informed the
  Secretary-General and the United Nations Center for
  Disarmament, about the presence of Thrips palmi karay in
  its territory, and notified this finding to the Food and
  Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to
  which Cuba applied for technical and financial assistance
  to fight the pest.
14- At present, Thrips palmi is spread virtually
  throughout Matanzas and La Habana Provinces, in two
  municipalities of Cienfuegos Province, in some
  municipalities of Pinar del Rio Province and in the
  Island of Youth. Its presence has not been detected in
  the central and eastern provinces of the country.

15- The SAR aircraft, register N3093M, is used by the
  State Department of the United States in the struggle
  against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. The aircraft
  utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of
  aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping
  solid particles. No smoke generator is known to be
  installed aboard this aircraft.
16- The specialists appointed by the Cuban party to
  clarify the event considered unlikely a voluntary or
  involuntary leakage of fuel or oil, which is confirmed by
  the answer given by the United States airplane pilot
  himself to the Cuban air controller.
17- The argument used by the United States party in its
  note of reply regarding the smoke release, appears, from
  the technical point of view, weak and in contradiction
  with the conversation held during the flight. On the
  other hand it is not a standard procedure established for
  this kind of situation. The pilot of the Cuban Airline
  Fokker asserts on the basis of his visual observation and
  his previous experience as a pilot of fumigation
  airplane, that the release made by the United states
  aircraft was not of smoke but of a substance.
18- Bearing in mind the place where the unknown
  substance was released, it can be established that the
  most risky area for infection is a zone covering 15 to 20
  kilometres to the west and 20 to 25 kilometres to the
  east of the Giron air corridor, although the whole
  territory of Mananas Province is considered a probable
  infected zone. These zones match those actually infected
  both by the primary and secondary outbreaks.
19- Considering the insect population found on 18
  December 1996, at the main source of the outbreak,
  specialists of the Cuban National Pest Control Centre
  estimated the beginning of the plague to date back to
  three or four previous generations. Bearing in mind the
  reproductive cycle of this insect, the beginning of the
  infection can be ascertained as approximately 21 October
  1996, which was precisely the date when the United States
  S2R aircraft flew over this point.
20- Mindful of the distribution of the agent in
  countries like Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica,
  it would be expected that any natural occurrence would be
  in the eastern region of Cuban territory, the closest to
  those countries. Its appearance mora than 600 kilometres
  away from region is, therefore, odd and suspicious.
21- Although at first sight it could be expected that
  the height of the flight of the S2R aircraft is not the
  most appropriate for the dissemination of biological
  agents, information is available regarding experiments
  made by North Americans themselves in which that type of
  agent was dropped from even higher altitudes. On the
  other hand, the enduring features of the insect, mainly
  in its larva state, make its survival possible at these
22- Because of its nature of being a polyphagous
  phycophagan that strikes and severely damages practically
  every crop, and is also resistant to a considerable
  variety of pesticides, the Thrips palmi can be considered
  ideal biological agents able to inflict heavy damage on
  agricultural food crops. In a document entitled "Report
  of the Subgroup for Investigation of Claims of Use or
  Escape of Agents which Constitute Biological or Toxin
  Weapons", of 29 February 1996, prepared by the Federation
  of American Scientists, Thrips palmi are included among
  the invertebrate that could come within the purview of
  the Convention on Biological Weapons.
23- In this particular case, the behavior of the plague
  in Cuba shows a polyphagia bigger than the one described
  in the scientific literature.

24- The analysis of the facts and the results of the
  investigations allow us to relate, with a high degree of
  accuracy, the appearance of Thrips palmi in Mananas
  Province with the dropping, on 21 October 1996, of an
  unknown substance by an aircraft operated by the United
  States Department.
25- There is reliable evidence that Cuba has once again
  been the target of biological aggression.
Alianza Nacional Cubano-Americana
P.O. Box 293
Carlsbad, NM 88221-0293
t/f (505) 885-0637

Tim McDowell
Department of Botany
Box 90339
Duke University
Durham, N.C. 27708

Phone (919) 660-7317
Fax: (919) 660-7372


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