Re: Practical Extropianism

Date: Tue May 06 1997 - 14:42:46 MDT

In a message dated 97-05-05 23:25:53 EDT, you write:
<< But all I see on web pages and all I read in this mailing list's messages
are theories
 or general ideas. I can make theories. I can have general ideas. >>
I don't understand where you get that idea from. Everyone in ExI I deal with
has taken personal responsibility to put theories into action. Most of them
work all day at extropic jobs. I do. Some produce Extropian artworks, some
write books about new technology that have stimulated creativity and
invention, some are setting the framework for new social systems and
experimenting with them. There is a brain drug clinical trial protocol being
written. There are people working on improving computer systems hardware and
software, as well as research into cell injury repair and cryonic suspension.
 There are many other examples. We are in for the long haul not the quick
fix. Most of these activities will take decades to achieve societal impact.
The non-fiction books on the ExI reading list are all practical as far as
I've read -- the nutritional supplement books in particular have dozens of
resources for the drugs. Even the philosophical books are highly practical.
 I can think of many times they influenced my decisions. Advancing
philosophy is a step forward in making me a better future person. Just think
of how pan critical rationalism and Churchland's books can be used on a daily
Why object to the speculative fiction books and ideas of Extropy? They are
there to make me more creative. They stimulate my mind into producing
something useful. I would not be so involved in nanotechnology advancement
if it where not for Ed Regis and K. Eric Drexler. Both of them were found
through ExI. I now work with AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) manufacturers.
  From science fiction -------> to science reality -------> to technological
reality. That's how it works. This is very practical in that SF leads to a
change of societies mind from fear of technology -------> to accepting the
possibility -------> to developing the technology -------> to using the
BEST DO IT SO principles are all practical as far as I can see. Take Dynamic
Optimism for example: That's a way of life in its self. The greatest force
against scientific and technology is pessimism (only looking at the fear
aspect) and that leads to depression. Depression is where a person is
mentally paralyzed from doing anything worthwhile. Anything at all in fact.
 These poor people can't even get out of bed in the morning.
If you just take one of the principles at a time, e.g. Self-Transformation,
and follow the "how to's" advice in the Extropy article(s) _that_ might be
enough make things more practical to you. I like "DO" (do . . . how
appropriate) Dynamic optimism, myself.
You are right, I book "So You Want To Be An Extropian -- A How To Manual"
would be valuable. If you want to do something practical, compile and write
this book, (before I do). For now, I like Sarah Marr's web site:

Davin C. Enigl, (Sole Proprietorship) MEAS

Microbiology Consulting, Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Points (HACCP), CGMP, and Validations
for the Food, Cosmetic, Nutritional Supplement, and Pharmaceutical Industry

May 6, 1997
12:49 pm

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