E-Prime (was Re: BOOKS: Recommendations)

From: MikeRose (mich_ros@alcor.concordia.ca)
Date: Tue May 06 1997 - 12:04:32 MDT

On Mon, 5 May 1997, Chris Hibbert wrote:

> Anders only managed E-Prime in the first three words. I'll try to do
> better.

Does anyone know of a general semantics or E-Prime mailing list
that I can join? What I really want is an E-Prime environment in which I
can learn, improve my skills and sharpen my language.

Even flaming would become useful - if everyone was really picky and
picked up on other people's E-Prime violations we would surely become
masters overnight.

Anyone know of a list, or does anyone want to start one?

your little flamebait,


 The author of this email intended to use the language of E-Prime.
 Reports of violations, and suggestions, would provoke appreciation.

 MikeRose@journalist.com Primate@earthling.net

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