Re: Re[2]: This is not The National Inquirer

From: MikeRose (
Date: Mon Apr 28 1997 - 22:23:11 MDT

I'd like to clear up the following:

a) Mike Rose, me, did not post the original 'water-car' mail
2) he dosn't believe the car works
c) nor does he believe is doen't/couldn't
iv) he was just interested in the fact that some guy had managed to get
   his 'theory' published, and that the guy must be lying if his opponents
   are correct. The article seemed to say that he rides this car

I just wanted to know if it was an outright lie, the product of delusion
or something some people may have missed. Seeing as none of the opponents
seemed to have read the offending article I am still uncomfortable with
picking any one of the above.



        Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,
        For we are such stuff that dreams are made of.

        ____________ ___________

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