Re: Re[2]: This is not The National Inquirer

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Apr 28 1997 - 19:01:17 MDT

Kennita Watson <>:
> The point is that saying that something "violates the laws of physics"
> doesn't convince people -- being open to input that seems to violate the
> known laws is what allows people to discover new ones. And calling the
> people names *certainly* doesn't convince them...

Having just checked many of the usual sites I use for good debunking
info, I must admit that there is very little on the old water-power
scam. I had assumed that such info would be plentiful; such good
resources like the Skeptic's Dictionary,, and others
have lots of good rational analyses of such claims, but this specific
one is under-documented, so I suppose I do bear some culpability for
assuming that our proponent had more resources than he actually did.
I'm sure a more thorough search might turn up something better, but
I doubt our particular reporter would have been swayed by calmer heads
anyway, as his credulity seemed unswayed by any of the replies, and I
didn't think a suggestion to read the whole set of Feynmann Lectures
on Physics would be very welcome, although that's really all there is
to say.

Guru George:
> Well put, Kennita. I would just say, to balance it back the other way
> just slightly from where you leave it, that this is a list in which
> *critical thinking* is important. I think Mike offered the car thing in
> a spirit of critical (political) thinking, and while that's great, and
> while I think his critics were a bit rude in a human sort of way, still,
> he's got to take the criticism seriously if he wants to participate in
> that critical spirit. (The thing is, I'm sure his critics would have
> some sympathy with his political point in itself, to some extent -
> perhaps that might be a more interesting topic?)

Actually I find the political claim--the idea that some unnamed agency
of government might be capable of supressing a spectacularly valuable
invention, that it would be in their interest to do so, and that the
effect on the economy would be anything but positive--even more ludicrous
that the pseudo-scientific claims, and strong evidence that the author
is not merely a harmless crackpot but trying to perpetrate a deliberate
fraud upon his readers for some purpose I can only speculate. And while
I might have some sympathy for innocent dupes, I have none for criminals.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>  <>
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