Re: FYI:$$$:PtPtPt:EVLN(automotive fuel cell development raises platinum dema...

Date: Sun Apr 27 1997 - 13:41:32 MDT

In a message dated 97-04-26 23:35:51 EDT, you write:

<< > << Remember, you need to make that hydrogen at power
> plants >>
> actually, the author states the electrolysis can be done in the car, and
> reason it's not in use is because the federal government told him that it
> would ruin the economy. Also, the media wont air the info because of
> which is also why i believe many people wont go for it, even though its
> possible (he gave instructions for it).
 WHere is he getting the power to electrolyse the water? From power
 plants of course. I highly suggest that you get some hard facts on how
 much power his system demands from the grid.

Actually, I believe the power comes from the alternator.


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