Re: FYI:$$$:PtPtPt:EVLN(automotive fuel cell development raises platinum dema...

From: MikeRose (
Date: Fri Apr 25 1997 - 20:33:20 MDT

On Fri, 25 Apr 1997 wrote:

> actually, the author states the electrolysis can be done in the car, and the
> reason it's not in use is because the federal government told him that it
> would ruin the economy. Also, the media wont air the info because of fear,
> which is also why i believe many people wont go for it, even though its
> possible (he gave instructions for it).
> -danny


I read the same article but do not have it with me. Could you post it here
as I am in agreement with you, but am willing to be called naive AFTER,
and only after, the disenters have read it.


        Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,
        For we are such stuff that dreams are made of.

        ____________ ___________

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