contemporary renaissance futures

From: Sarah Marr (
Date: Sat Apr 19 1997 - 05:46:49 MDT

I'm in the process of putting together a web-site which is an hybrid
between online debate, ezine, gallery, literary magazine, scientific

I shan't waste list space by going through the details here, except to say
that the venture is very future-orientated, and subscribes to many of the
principles of tranhumanism and Extropianism, but also seeks to
contextualize the present through an understanding of histories.

Right now, the project is in its formative stages, but in order for it to
grow I need contributors and collaborators. If you are interested, or
simply wish to see how things are going, please drop by the site, where
full details are available. The crf web site is accessed via:

Please consider it in terms of potential, as well as current content. If
you would like to contribute, collaborate, take part on future debates, be
kept informed of developments, etc. then please contact me via the 'join
crf' page. Other comments can be sent via the 'guest book'.

Thanks for your time and bandwidth.


       c o n t e m p o r a r y r e n a i s s a n c e f u t u r e s
     understand the past experience the present create the future

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