FYI:Re: GHB(Gamma-OH):COPY of a Letter sent to CNN and other US media... (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 22:59:25 MDT

smart && !smart

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 15 Apr 1997 15:00:47 -0400
From: Max Tussin <>
To: "bionet.neuroscience mail newsgroup" <>
Subject: Re: GHB(Gamma-OH):COPY of a Letter sent to CNN and other US media...

In article <5ia8mu$>,
mictlantecutli <> wrote:
> (Claude de Contrecoeur) wrote:

>for patients who are tired of life
>and wish to find
>an easy route
>to the afterlife.

>perhaps you have never known anyone who overdosed on GHB.

It's possible to overdose on anything. It's easy to overdose on GHB
when you combine it with alcohol or other depressants, or when you don't
bother to look up the active and lethal doses. No offense to your friend,
but I've never heard of, nor seen *any* documented cases of, people OD'ing
on GHB who weren't taking massive doses or mixing it with alcohol.

Mixing depressants is a sure way to win the Darwin award.

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