Re: Evolved Preferences

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 05:56:31 MDT

At 12:33 PM 4/15/97 -0700, Robin wrote:

>As we become better at exchanging information in ways other than via
>sexual reproduction, it seems the longer time-horizon of asexual
>reproduction should win out. This suggests a future of very patient
>risk-averse asexual Bayesians, in contrast to the impatient optimistic
>risk-taking young males who dominate science fiction.

This is exactly the psychology presented in Bruce Sterling's excellent new
novel HOLY FIRE. But he's setting it up as a transitional stage between
careful longevity and genuine, hormone-charged rejuvenation. Thereafter,
selection pressures would presumably encourage tweaking of the reinstated
hormone rushes...

Damien Broderick

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