Re: Religion and Government

From: Dan Hook (
Date: Mon Apr 14 1997 - 18:29:35 MDT

I was thinking along the same lines recently when in my religion (morality,
Christian justice, brainwashing, time to practice riding on the edge of
acceptable behavior so the teacher does not notice but the students do,
etc...) class we discussed the spiral of violence.

Basically, it starts with basic injustice, then violent reaction occurs to
the injustice, then there is increased repression that leads to more
violence etc. We were suppossed to think of ways to break the spiral. To
do that one first has to identify the basic injustice. I concluded that
this is a very subjective thing. As long as the majority has the ability
to impose its wishes on the minority there will be injustice. Eventually
the majority gets smaller and smaller as more people feel they are the
victims of injustice. Massive spending ensues in the form of revolution or
getting votes. Until that point is reached, people feel powerless and feel
the use of semi-random violence is nescesary.

Of course, this allows a relatively simple solution. Destroy the power of
the majority to impose their will on the minority by destroying government.
 Unfortunately, that will not happen until some libertarians, hopefully of
the anarcho-capatalist breed, gain control of the schools through massive
amounts of money. I suspect that, given that society continues on its
present course this could take quite a long time (my children would be

Dan Hook
> From: Laws, David <>
> Date: Sunday, April 13, 1997 2:06 PM
> Government has many parallels.
> Break away from the existing power with fewer laws and more freedom.
> Everyone has a voice.
> Powerstruggle ensues.
> Vote for an accepted 'believer' who will then 'have your voice'.
> You can't do THAT and be a good citizen!
> Persecution of those who speak out against the state.
> Appealing to emotion.
> Ad infinitum.
> "A rose by any name would smell as sweet."
> "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
> "When the state does something 'for your own good', be frightened."
> My questions are: Will we ever be rid of 'religion'? Should even try?
> Is the cycle unbreakable?

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