Re: Re[2]: Extropianism and Magick?

From: The Low Golden Willow (
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 22:10:55 MDT

On Apr 10, 9:40pm, Guru George wrote:

} However, free human beings do not want slaves; slaves are an encumbrance.
} (In an image: each slave has only one chain, the slave-'master' has
} many.)
} On the other hand, free human beings might want *servants*, whom they
} would pay a proper wage.
Oh no, not this claim again. What wages do dogs get paid? Cows?
Chickens? Computers?

Humans are different, you say? How? They're sentient, yes. Now assume
a dairy cow has been made sentient. What practical difference does that
make to us?

I suppose this debate depends on the definition of 'slave'. Is a human
enslaved if they serve your every wish willingly?

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) <*>

Jeane L. Dixon, world renowned psychic, died Saturday (1/25) at age 79.
There was almost universal sadness and lament throughout the world of
celebrity psychics. Contacted at her home, Dionne Warwick's spokeswoman
said that "[Miss] Warwick is beside herself -- none of us expected this
to happen."

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