Re: Ego Programming

From: ard (
Date: Mon Apr 07 1997 - 18:17:17 MDT

> In my experience, a new habit, good or bad, can be learnt more easily
> than an old habit can be got rid of: a figure I have heard is that it
> takes on average 3 months to make a proper dent in destroying an old
> habit. *Very* difficult, but not impossible.

        Is this "average 3 months" figure you heard from someone keen on Kentucky
        From your experience, what was the average time between learning a new
        habit, good or bad, and getting rid of an old habit?
        How long does it take to get rid of a habit of celibacy?
        How long does it take to get rid of a habit of walking into busy streets
        without looking?
> I reckon there's a lot of room for a modern, scientific, rational form of
> mysticism that gets the experiences without the hypno-hype and extra
> cosmological baggage.

        Do you know of a modern, scientific, rational form of mysticism?
        Do you know of any mystical scientists, living or dead?

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