FYI:PSYCHOCERAMICS:[Pigdog] Re: Heaven's Gate / Cypherpunks / Castration (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Mar 31 1997 - 15:18:31 MST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 12:58:30 -0800
From: P a u l Guth <>
To: Hoodlums and Hermits <>
Subject: [Pigdog] Re: Heaven's Gate / Cypherpunks / Castration

I just don't know what to say....I guess this means BASIS is the reason
those guys killed themselves...or something.

What a bunch of kooks.

>Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 21:01:58 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: Re: Heaven's Gate / Cypherpunks / Castration
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>What is it about the wierdo community and _my_ remailer?
>On Sat, 29 Mar 1997, Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
>> Wired,
>> If you like weird connections, how about a Cypherpunks-Heaven's Gate
>> link? If you like really weird connections, how about a Cypherpunks-
>> Heaven's Gate-Solar Temple link? If you like really, really weird
>> connections, how about a Cypherpunks-Heaven's Gate-Solar Temple-
>> Waco link?
>> Lest you think I jest, let me explain that what I am about to tell
>> you
>> is fairly easy to verify and document, and is not based on vague
>> allusions
>> to some psychic vibrations from the comet, which seem to be rather
>> commonplace lately.
>> In the early 1970's there was a small group in Canada, known as the
>> Bartonian Metaphysical Society. The group was joined by an individual
>> named C.J. Parker, who had just had his first experience of "the end of
>> the world" as a member of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church
>> of God.
>> Parker became a teacher and leader in the group, which soon became
>> the Institute for Applied Metaphysics, with metaphysical retreats in
>> Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. There were often UFO reports
>> surrounding the dates of their intensive seminars in Eastern Canada,
>> which received press coverage, I believe.
>> Parker was involved, according to both himself and many others,
>> in the founding of the New Covenant Club during his involvement
>> with IAM. This was centered around the belief that the "old
>> covenant" with God, which involved circumcision, had now been
>> replaced with a "new covenant," which involved vasectomies.
>> Later, some of the Eastern leaders began indicating that if
>> vasectomies were a good way of indicating one's dedication to
>> spirituality in the end-times, then castration was even better.
>> Parker was soon involved in a second "end of the world" when
>> Winifred Barton made her prediction in the mid-to-late 1970's.
>> After her prediction appeared (to some) not to come true, then many
>> left the group and quite a few migrated to other groups, including
>> the Solar Temple.
>> Parker migrated to Texas, where he was involved in the music
>> business, and in running clubs for mob interests. He managed clubs
>> in Waco and Killeen, Texas, where he apparently became involved
>> with David Koresh, although that might have been at a later date.
>> He was arrested and convicted in Bell County, Texas for assault
>> on police officers there, sometime around 1980.
>> Parker became a recording artist and soon afterward moved
>> to Tucson, Arizona, where he continued to dabble in music and
>> metaphysics, travelling across the SouthWestern U.S., as well as
>> up and down the west coast.
>> He started a computer company in Tucson, called "Pearl Harbor
>> Computers," which was based on the belief that computers were
>> the work of Satan, that Bill Gates and Microsoft were tenacles of
>> the Satan, and that those who wished to fight evil must dedicate
>> themselves to promoting other operating systems, UNIX in
>> particular.
>> Parker apparently fathered an organization called the "Circle of
>> Eunuchs" that was dedicated to recruiting individuals who had
>> the skills and the intelligence to develop systems and methodologies
>> which could serve to work against what he saw as the plans of
>> Satan to bring domination over the whole earth
>> At various times, he has had vehicles registered in the states which
>> were his main recruiting area: Texas, Arizona, California, New
>> Mexico, and Oregon. (He also made limited recruiting trips to
>> Germany, Poland, and, I believe, Russia.)
>> Parker spent time in California where he was in contact with Do,
>> who shared his fetish for mixing computers and spirituality, and it
>> was apparently Parker who introduced him to the concepts underlying
>> the New Covenant Club. Parker and Do also shared an affinity for
>> mixing spirituality and alien theories, and decided that the Internet
>> was going to be the battleground of the future in the fight between
>> good and evil.
>> Parker was also involved with a group in Berkeley, California,
>> Basis, Inc., which was heavily involved in a Unix time-sharing
>> enterprise and gave Parker access to a wide variety of young
>> students and programmers to introduce to his belief system.
>> Parker named the evil protagonist in the manuscript after the
>> login name for one of Basis' founders, "Gomez." Parker wrote
>> the book under the pseudonym of "son of gomez," as Basis'
>> Gomez was his mentor in the world of UNIX.
>> Parker was responsible for a manuscript titled "The Xenix
>> Chainsaw Massacre" that contained a character, Bubba Rom Dos,
>> which was loosely based on Do, including veiled references to
>> his sexual inclination toward youngsters. Among those in the
>> Circle of Eunuchs, it was also referred to as Part I of "The True
>> Story of the Internet," which they foresaw as the vehicle that
>> would prove the manuscript prophetic.
>> Parker and his tenacles used the Internet to quietly spread the
>> manuscript among those thought to be potential recruits, even as
>> Do's group began making their impact on the Internet.
>> Parker believed that Phil Zimmerman's troubles were a result
>> of his group using Zimmerman's PGP to spread the manuscript
>> secretly across the Internet. He apparently impressed upon Do
>> the need to use PGP to secure any communications which were
>> of a nature that they could cause undue trouble for groups which
>> were working against Satan and Gates.
>> Parker's second manuscript, Part II , began as "TV World" and
>> later was changed to "WebWorld and the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs."
>> This manuscript was apparently supposed to be converted to
>> hypertext, with complete graphics, by Higher Source, and several
>> chapters were in the works, but about a week before the El Rancho
>> suicides, Parker was told that he should go ahead and release it in
>> its present form, because Higher Source would not be in a position
>> to complete the work.
>> Parker began converting the second manuscript to hypertext himself
>> and has had members of his organization releasing it on the Cypherpunks
>> list. Chapters of the manuscript have been released from various points
>> in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Russia.
>> Although the manuscript had already been completed around a year
>> before this, Parker, after receiving word to begin its release, began
>> making _changes_ in the manuscript, apparently as a result of no longer
>> having a need to so heavily disguise the connection between the Circle
>> of Eunuchs and Do.
>> A prologue was written for "WebWorld," sent to the Cypherpunks list
>> on March 18, 1997, in which the opening strains contained the
>> quote, "Why didn't I _do_ something?" The word "do" was in bold
>> hypertext.
>> Then, the next word in bold format was the word _me_, indicating
>> that the first bold word should be pronounced as in the musical notes,
>> do, re, me.
>> The sentence containing the world _me_? It was a reference to Do
>> soon
>> being 'picked up,'
>> "This time, they are coming for _me_."
>> And the new opening sentence of the manuscript? A veiled reference
>> to the fact that those left behind had been warned of their last chance
>> to 'escape' the fate that awaits them.
>> "The great tragedy of it, is that it didn't have to happen. Not at
>> all...
>> we were warned."
>> The URL's of the manuscripts are:
>> They are apparently hosted by David E. Smith <>
>> I don't believe that he is a member of Parker's inner circle, although
>> he
>> does have many connections to hackers and phreaks in the Edmonton,
>> Alberta area.
>> Except for the prologue, the sections of the original manuscript seem
>> to be in small print, with the newly written sections in large print.
>> The
>> new sections appear to use the Cypherpunks as analogous to the space
>> aliens, and a new character, Jonathan, representing one of the Heaven's
>> Gate members, is added.
>> "He rode the river of tears once again, only this time the journey
>> was
>> _toward_ the CypherPunks, and toward freedom."
>> It is my understanding that the "Magic Circle" is quite active in
>> both
>> Western Canada and the Southwest U.S. They seem to be a very secretive
>> organization with ties to a number of groups, including the Solar Temple
>> cult in Quebec, and a Diamond System (?) Freudian-Sufi sect centered in
>> the Bay area.
>> I dropped all involvement with these people a year or so ago, as I
>> decided that involvement with them is unhealthy. I hope that you will
>> make an effort to check out what I have told you, and perhaps expose
>> any activities which could lead to more deaths and castrations.
>> I don't want to be involved with anything further to do with them,
>> as I am uneasy about being connected with them in any way, shape,
>> or form, although I still keep track of their activities through certain
>> members who are on the periphery of their organizations.
>> C.J. Parker is a nome-de-plume he took on as a musician, and I can't
>> recall his real name, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find, given
>> the
>> fact that he has a criminal record in the U.S. which should link the
>> pseudonym with his birth name. He also might be located by tracking
>> him through his record releases, which were done in Canada, I believe.
>> TruthMonger
> Have you ever noticed just how many people really need a good beating?

P a u l

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