What is to be done?

From: Hara Ra (harara@shamanics.com)
Date: Tue Mar 25 1997 - 02:30:07 MST

Kathryn Aegis wrote:
> My master's degree went into a crash-and-burn a few months ago when
> one of my degree committee members decided that a transhumanist
> emphasis was not something that he could support. And my time at
> Antioch, supposedly a bastion of progressive thinking, was
> characterized by hostility from my classmates towards transhumanist
> ideas.

Perhaps we might begin thinking of the Extropy Institute as a vehicle
for granting degrees in the areas of Extropian and TransHuman

Some institutions, such as UC Santa Cruz have a history of granting
degrees in areas defined by the student. Perhaps the Extropy Institute
could form some alliances with same.....

| Hara Ra <harara@shamanics.com> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |

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