
From: John K Clark (johnkc@well.com)
Date: Sat Mar 29 1997 - 22:30:18 MST


mikec@jax.gulfnet.com (Mike C.) On Sat, 29 Mar 1997 Wrote:
>Please describe a cylindrical symetric chamber
>which would negate the ability of identification.


>you think a brain is not a body?

I am not my brain, that's just 4 LB's of gray goo, I am the information in my
brain. If my brain is destroyed and there is no other copy of the information
in it then I am destroyed too, that is the case for all of us today.
If however there were another copy of the information that is me stored
someplace else, then the destruction of my brain would not be important.

>How do you define dead?

Irretrievable loss of information.

>Can you think of a thing that is not made of moving particles?


>I can not.

I certainly can, a point. Maybe other things too, a quark, a photon,
an electron. Perhaps someday these things will be found to be made of even
smaller particles, perhaps not, as I said it's debatable.

>>Where is arithmetic located?

>In your mind, where doe that exist?
In the same place arithmetic is located.

>If a thing exists it has to exist somewhere.

or everywhere.

>>How could I destroy arithmetic?

>Do not allow it to be thought.

I will give you $10,000 if you don't think about green giraffes for the
next 5 minutes.

>>What is the radius of an electron?

>if it exists in 3-D it has one.
>I do not have good enough eyes or a small enough ruler.

That's real nice, but a do have a question,
What is the radius of an electron?
I have a few more questions too.
What is the sex of an electron?
What shade of color is an electron?
What does an electron taste like?
What does an electron smell like?
Is an electron wet or dry?
Is an electron happy or sad?
What is the political party of an electron?

>Who says you are 100% aware of what you are thinking?

You say so. You're the one who said A=A, I am 100% aware of what I am
100% aware. Changes that are too small for me to be aware of are,
well, too small for me to be aware of.

>Size is relative.

Relative to what?

>>if atoms have no individuality, the system would be unchanged. On
>>the other hand if as you say each atom is different then
>>exchanging atoms will change the system.

>Does it have to noticably change the system?

Yes. If I was a skillful surgeon I could exchange your right lung with your
left lung and you'd still be OK because both parts are much the same.
If I exchanged your right lung with your left kidney your system would change
dramatically because the parts are very different and you would not be OK.

>How many people argued about the shape of the earth?


>It is possible to remove an electron from an atom right?

Yes, and make an ion, your point being ...

>>No, I am saying the probability of finding 2 electron, or any
>>Fermion, zero distance apart is zero.

>"Same" logic, no two things at 0 distance.

To repeat myself, that is NOT true. Two photons can be in the same place at
the same time and not effect each other, otherwise everything would be a
jumble, you couldn't see the moon or the stars or even the man sitting next
to you.

>Kind of strange to believe in a distance of 0 (even in

You seem to be saying that someday we will find that in the real world two
points can not be infinitely close together, it could be. If so then a line
is made of a huge but not an infinite number of points, two points can only
be in a finite number of positions. If so then Space-time is not continuous,
it's digital, and analog's last stand bites the dust.

                                              John K Clark johnkc@well.com

Version: 2.6.i


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