Re: Law: Uploading:

From: Mike C. (
Date: Thu Mar 27 1997 - 11:40:56 MST

>Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 07:44:53 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Re: Uploading (Who is Who?)
>>Which one is married?
>>Who goes to work on Monday,
>>In my case the original probably does.
>>Of course neither are the same person that existed in that past,
>>but if I were the copy I would let the copied assume responsiblity
>>for the past, unless it was not so inclined to do so.
>Is the clone to be held responsible for crimes
>committed by the original prior to duplication?

That depends on what the legal requirments of responsibility are.
What does responsibility mean?
If you mean should clones suffer punishment,
I say no, clones are not responsible;
if they did not exist at the time of the murder,
they did not pull the trigger;
they did not do it.
Sure they may have the capability of killing, so does nature.
Would you punish the earth for commiting genocide?

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