Webmaster Info-Mail

From: webmasters (guest@netway.net)
Date: Mon Mar 24 1997 - 06:45:54 MST

^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^ATTENTION WEBMASTERS^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^
If You Are Not A Webmaster Or Opportunity Seeker...
Or If You Would Like To Be Removed From This List:
Click REPLY And Put REMOVE In The Subject Line.

^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^Adult WebMaster InfoMail^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^

1. CDROM Images with License - $00.02!!!
2. Adult Site Offers Money Makers!
3. More For Your Banner Buying Buck!
4. How to Get YOUR AD on this Mailer!
5. Give me MORE!

Licensable Images For 2 Cents?
Thats Right, 2 Cents A Pic!
Award Winning "XXX" On CDROM!
One Time Membership Fee Of $250,
4 CD'S $80. 3000 Images!
Now And All Future Titles...
Can Go Online For Only $20.
Go Legit... Cheap!


Adult Site Offers You The Chance To Make Money...
Three Webmaster Money Making Programs:
-40% commision on our services!
-2.5 cents per click thru program!
-We Want to Sponsor Good Sites! - Send us your advertising rates!


Internet Radio
More Bang For Your Banner Buying Buck!
Use The Power VISUAL And AUDITORY Stimuli To GET HITS!
This System Primes Surfers to
Competitive Rates To Fit
All Advertising Budgets!
For more information:


The Adult Webmaster Info-Mail
is the Best Way to Reach other Webmasters!
If you have a money making offer,
or any program that you want
other webmasters to know about...
For more info:


Want to Find MORE OFFERS Like These?
Visit AdultList!



If you would like to be REMOVED from this list...
Click REPLY and put REMOVE in the SUBJECT line.



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