Ode to ewe, Bill.....

From: Michael Lorrey (retroman@tpk.net)
Date: Sat Mar 22 1997 - 11:30:23 MST

Here's a bit from Jill Savin off the Wierd Science list (I don't know of
any previous authors):

> Oh say can ewe see
> the tendon from Bill's knee
> Oh where did the scraps
> go as they trimmed
> and reattached?
> I fear they've gone to Scotland
> where in a pen
> next to the Dali lamba
> (cloned lamb)
> they'll be regen'd
> into another Bill
> And side by side
> Bill and Lamba
> He says, hey baaaaaby,
> you come here often?
> My other job is the
> President of the free world!
> That's what they all
> ssaaaayyy!! Says lamba
> as she turns away.
> Good for ewe!
> jill

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