Extropy Institute information

From: Max More (maxmore@primenet.com)
Date: Fri Mar 21 1997 - 10:22:20 MST

I'm posting this information to the list, since it has changed (new
membership rates, etc.) and there are a number of list subscribers who
don't have the information.

Max More

_____________ ______ TM
___| | ______ ____ | | 13428 Maxella Avenue
___| ____| _\ \ / / | | Suite 273
___| |___ _\ \/ / | | Marina del Rey, CA 90292
___| | _\ / | | U.S.A.
___| ____| __/ \ | |
___| |____ __/ /\ \ | | telephone => 310.398.0375
___| | __/___/ \___\ | |
___|________| |____| e-mail => exi-info@extropy.org
    E x t r o p y I n s t i t u t e

Greetings! If you're receiving this, you probably asked to hear more about
Extropian perspectives, and the activities of Extropy Institute (ExI).

Extropians seek to use technology (broadly understood to include psychology
and philosophy) intelligently to overcome genetic, biological,
psychological, cultural, and neurological limits to the pursuit
of life, liberty, and boundless achievement.

Here is information on ExI's activities, on EXTROPY -- the premier,
intelligent futurist publication, EXPONENT -- our members' newsletter,
on the EXTRO conferences, and on other activities, such as
local discussions and events.

If you're already sure you're interested, see the end of this message for
a membership form.

                       Upward and Outward!

Max More, Ph.D. maxmore@primenet.com more@extropy.org
President Extropy Institute (ExI)
                   13428 Maxella Avenue, #273
                   Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Temporary Extropy Web site:

     Extropy = the extent of a system’s intelligence, information, order,
vitality, diversity,
     opportunity, and capacity for growth.


Extropy Institute (ExI) encourages the development and use of emerging
and future technologies to overcome historically unchallenged limits to
full human flourishing. ExI functions as a networking organization,
bringing together the most creative, forward-thinking intellects
from numerous fields of endeavor in working to overcome traditional,
genetic, biological, and neurological. By providing forums and information
the Institute facilitates discussion and organization of ideas, research,
and projects involving using technology to extend life, augment
intelligence, improve rational thinking, finetune psychology, move
off-planet, develop artificial intelligence, and other goals.

Extropy Institute is open to all who share our goals, not just professional
scientists, technologists, philosophers, and artists.

Since 1988, when Extropy first appeared, extropian ideas have attracted
those wanting to continually improve their capabilities, those who are
bold enough to challenge entrenched dogmas concerning the inevitability
of death, of centralized, coercive governance, and of fixed limits to
human achievement and ability. Our evolving synthesis of ideas
continues to welcome fresh input.
Extropy Institute is building a culture favoring physical and intellectual
augmentation, radical life extension, and a free and responsible society
(here, in cyberspace, or off-Earth). We are a network of thinkers and
doers who seek to question today's dogmas, shape an open-ended future,
and create "transhuman" lifestyles, technologies, and institutions. Extropy
Institute members are in the best position to benefit from the information
and tools developed in the extropic network.

                               E X T R O P Y

Now moving to the Web, Extropy is a magazine covering the full range of
advanced, emerging, and future technologies with an emphasis on making
you more informed, powerful, and prepared. Some of the technologies and
issues covered in EXTROPY:

* Life extension treatments, nutritional supplements, the latest
      anti-aging drugs, and new programs for monitoring and combating aging.
* Developments in computers and the Internet. Software tools for self-
     management. Getting ready for future advances in computers and human-
     computer interaction and integration.
* How to augment your intelligence through nutrients, new smart drugs,
     and cognitive techniques, and where to go for more information.
* Which technologies and industries will take off, providing excellent
     opportunities for investment and employment.
* How to modify your mood and motivation with incredible new drugs, and
     with rational thinking techniques.
* How can we think rationally about the proper use of new technologies to
     overcome human limits? Where does traditional thinking about radical
     technologies go wrong?
* How can we move beyond centralized, bureaucratic government? How can
     free markets and voluntary associations take over the useful
     functions of government? How can spontaneous order enable us to handle
     accelerating change?
* How you can use encryption technology to protect and improve your
* Plus: Nanotechnology and molecular computers; artificial wombs and new
     methods of parenting; transhumanist philosophy to make sense of rapid
     change; prosexual drugs and nutrients; how to abolish income tax;
     critical thinking about environmental and resource issues; electronic
     money and competing currencies; machine intelligence and artificial
     life; experimental communities.

The new TECH ADVANCES section will help you stay ahead of the pack with
information on crucial technological developments, including: life
extension techniques; intelligence increase tools; computer technology and
trends; biotech advances; technology-oriented investment opportunities;
practical optimism; rational values; living free of state control, and
much more.

Learn about the limit-busting individuals creating the future with Extropy
interviews and Profiles of future-makers in diverse fields.

Since 1988, Extropy has evolved as a unique forum for intriguing and
inspiring explorations of advanced and future technologies, focusing on
their potential for overcoming present human limits, enabling us to create
a posthuman future. If you're tired of shallow, trendy, or uncritical
thinking on the technological frontier, Extropy will satisfy, startle,
and stimulate you.

    "I love it. Extropy excites the hell out of my mind." ZL, 1/93
    "It's an absolutely great issue, and in general I would call it the
    best periodical I have ever seen in my life..." AC, 8/92
    "I just wanted to let you know that Extropy keeps getting better &
    better! (as, of course, it must in order to be so named). What a
    uniformly excellent, eclectic, thoughtful, well-written selection of
    articles. By far the most thought-provoking, ground-breaking stuff in
    any magazine I read." [PG, 7/94]
    Jerod Pore, Factsheet Five #47: "The zine of the ultimate reality
    hackers (and far beyond the pretentious incarnation of Mondo 2000)... An
    awesome glimpse of a better future."

Note: Extropy will move the the Web with issue #18, due out in July 1997.
All back issues are still available in print. URL:


Extropy Institute sponsors a number of forums for sharing limit-busting,
life-extensionist, pro-technology, and other extropian ideas with bright,
like-minded individuals around the globe.
   The most popular service is the Extropians e-mail list (founded in
1991), which boils over with lively discussion and debate on numerous
topics. You can join the Extropians list by sending a message to:


In the body of your message put only the following:

          subscribe extropians <your e-mail address>

You can also unsubscribe yourself at any time in the same way, by
replacing "subscribe" with "unsubscribe". For other Majordomo commands,
send to the above address with "help" in the body of the message (and
nothing else).

You can find a web-based interface to the lists at:

There are several local lists for announcements and discussions
around the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and the East Coast.
To subscribe, substitute for "extropians" in the first command above:
exi-bay or

A Hypermail archive of postings to the Extropian list can be found at:

You can also access the Frequently Asked Questions file, and other
Extropian writings, on the World Wide Web. The official ExI Web page:

This is under construction. An excellent and more developed Extropian Web
site is:


Extropy information, including back issues, can be found at:


E X T R O P Y I N S T I T U T E M E M B E R S R E C E I V E:

** Subscription to our members' newsletter EXPONENT. This carries
      current Extropian movement news, media coverage, local events
      information, profiles of activists, and other features.
** A discount on registration for our EXTRO conference.
** Discounts on EXTROPY back issues.
** Access to the Extropian social and intellectual network.
** Discounts on books, audio and video tapes, T-shirts, seminars, etc.
** Inside information on the progress of Extropian ideas.

Our successful second conference, EXTRO-2, took place in Santa Monica,
California in June 1995, with Prof. Marvin Minsky of MIT as keynote speaker.
Attendees heard 13 stimulating sessions and talked with some of the leading
extropic thinkers of today. The conference proceedings are available (at
a discount for Institute members), as are audio tapes of all the sessions.

EXTRO-3 will be held the weekend of August 9-10 1997, at the Red Lion Inn,
San Jose, California 1997. See our web site for details:

I would like to join Extropy Institute in shaping the future, Exponent,
other publications, information on events, and discounts on conferences,
books, tapes, and other items.
Annual rates:

USA: $30 Sustaining Member: $100
Canada/Mexico: $35 Corporate Sustaining Member: $250
Overseas (sf/air): $40/$45

You may subtract $5 if you are a full-time student (with ID).

EXTROPY magazine:
Back issues available: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 16 -
                        $7 each. #17: $5
(10 or more issues -- take 10% off total.)

I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to sustain and expand
Extropy Institute's activities:

 $10 $25 $50 $100 $500 $1000 Other: $


Make checks payable to "Extropy Institute," and mail to:
Extropy Institute, 13428 Maxella Avenue #273, Marina Del Rey, CA
90292. Tel: 310-398-0375
E-mail: exi-info@extropy.org or maxmore@primenet.com

Foreign orders: We can accept payment in either US dollars, or by
means of a check in your own currency.

CREDIT CARD ORDERS: MC [ ] Visa [ ] Amex [ ]
                    Card #
                    Total amount:
Your phone # (necessary if paying with credit card)

Your name:

Max More, Ph.D.
President, Extropy Institute, Editor, Extropy
exi-info@extropy.org, http://www.extropy.org
(310) 398-0375

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri Nov 01 2002 - 14:44:17 MST