NANO: New designs by Drexler

From: Mitchell Porter (
Date: Wed Mar 12 1997 - 18:00:13 MST

This may actually be old news - the designs seem to have been up at since January - but it just arrived
in my mailbox via Foresight Institute Electronic Newsletter #1,
"a quarterly email update on nanotechnology from Foresight Institute",
which you will receive upon obtaining a Free Electronic Membership at

The designd are for a molecular manipulator (2,596 atoms) and a
neon pump (a molecule-sorting device, meant to create segregated
feedtsocks - 6,165 atoms). PDB files are available.


----- Forwarded message from Elaine Tschorn -----

Foresight Institute Electronic Newsletter #1
March 12, 1997

This is a quarterly email update on nanotechnology from Foresight
Institute. To stop receiving it, send email to

In this issue:

** New design for a molecular manipulator **
** What's New at Foresight's Web Site **
** "State of the Field" Report on Molecular Nanotechnology **


** New design for a molecular manipulator **

A major new nanomachine design by Eric Drexler is available at the
Institute for Molecular Manufacturing Web site. As explained by Dr.
Drexler, "In collaboration with Dr. Merkle, I set out to develop an
atomically detailed design for a far smaller molecular manipulator than
previously had been considered - one intended not to do the whole job of
molecular positioning, but to serve as a "hand" for the final, precise step
of applying a molecular tool. The resulting design uses fewer than 3,000
atoms for its core mechanism..."


** What's New at Foresight's Web Site **

Visit this page for links to all of the latest news, such as upcoming talks
on nanotechnology, and recently published papers or news stories of general
interest to our membership.

The Web page for 1997 Fifth Foresight Conference on Molecular
Nanotechnology (Nov. 5-8, Palo Alto, CA) provides information on speakers,
submitting abstracts, technical tutorials, and registration. It is located

Dr. K. Eric Drexler and Dr. Ralph Merkle will conduct a telephone seminar
on March 27, 1997, on the topic of the design, modeling, and manufacture of
systems for molecular nanotechnology. Christine Peterson and Gayle Pergamit
will discuss nanotechnology-related career options and investment
opportunities on April 24, 1997. More information, including how to
register, is available at:


----- End of forwarded message from Elaine Tschorn -----

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