Re: BUSINESS: Transhuman Posters

From: Johnny Carwash (
Date: Tue Mar 11 1997 - 04:07:17 MST

>Wow, now after taking his medication he actually sounds reasonable! Try not
>to come on so strong and violently next time. I agree, lets make the whole
>poster look sleek and futuristic rather than comic book scifi.

Nursy said that if I take my pills I can go to the zoo!
 /|"You saw Alex Trebeck?" |"Never question an \
|One eye on the future a| -Agent Dana Scully |engineer's opinion you|
|nother on the past and |========================|thundering moron!" |
|can't see a bloody thin|"What is the law? | - Dogbert |
|g of the present... | Not to make laws! |======================|
|=======================| That is the first law! | Hail Eris! |
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/"A megillah, told by a nudnik, full of tsimmes and signifying bubkes"\
Legalize Drugs, They Kill Stupid People

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