It all comes out in the Carwash

From: Steve Witham (
Date: Sun Mar 09 1997 - 21:08:08 MST

>Johnny Carwash <> Wrote:
> >I like being rude, it makes people pay attention.

John K Clark <> replied:

>Ok, fine, but don't be surprised if you get the same in return.

Is it rude to put people in my mail filter? I have 17 extropians in there
so far and the quality of the list just keeps improving! Tee hee!

Yes, Johnny, you get special attention from my copy of Eudora Lite 3.0.


--           Steve Witham
      ___       ___       ___       ___
| | | ___ | | | ___ | | | ___ | | | ___   --pattern in the heater grills
| | | ___ | | | ___ | | | ___ | | | ___     of Boston Red Line subway cars

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