re: HIV=/=AIDS Video

From: Pat Fallon (
Date: Fri Mar 07 1997 - 13:56:39 MST

>> In these AIDS indicator diseases that are not caused
>> by immunodeficiency
>> Pat Fallon
> By definition, disease is caused by some kind of immunodeficiency or
> there would not be a disease.
> Davin C. Enigl, (Sole Proprietorship) MEAS

A number of the AIDS indicator diseases are not opportunistic infections
preying on immune-deficient hosts, including dementia, wasting syndrome,
and the various AIDS cancers-Kaposi's sarcoma, the lymphomas, and, as
of 1993, cervical cancer.

HIV would have to kill T-cells while destroying brain neurons it cannot
infect and at the same time induce white blood cells and skin cells to
grow malignantly. Despite years of research, no evidence can be found
that the immune system fights cancer cells, which, after all, are a part
of the host's own body. Dozens of AIDS patients with Kaposi's
sarcoma or dementia have been reported to have normal immune
systems. [H. Barcellar, A, Munoz, E.N. Miller, E.A. Cohen, D. Besley,
O.A. Selnes, J.T. Becker, and J.C. McArthur, "Temporal trends in
the incidence of HIV-Related Neurological Diseases: Multicenter AIDS
cohort study: 1985-1992," Neurology, 44 (1994): 1892-1900.]

A new disease forces medical experts to search for the new cause. They
have a reponsibility to consider both possibilities for an epidemic:

(1) a contagious, infectious agent such as a microbe or a virus or

(2) some noninfectious cause such as a poor diet or some toxic substance
in the environment or a toxin consumed.

The period of research into the cause of AIDS which considered both
agents lasted only 3 years. It ended in April 1984 when our government
announced at a press conference that HIV caused AIDS prior to the
publication of any scientific evidence.


                                        Pat Fallon

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