goodbye for now

From: J. de Lyser (
Date: Thu Mar 06 1997 - 05:35:01 MST

As of March 15, i will be occupied with a new part time job, besides
running my own business, which may leave me a little less time. I also feel
the personal need for a more general transhumanist approach.

I want to thank all of you for stimulating conversation and argument,
special thanks to:

Anders Sandberg
Michael Lorrey
Chris Hind
John K Clark
Guru George
Max M Rasmussen
Mark Crosby
Damien R Sullivan
Eugene Leitl

And Lee Daniel Crocker And Erik Watt Forste for their patience ;-)

I may be back...

All the best to all of you.

Joost de Lyser
Participant Evolutionist Movement

Opening in April Cybertheatre Brussels: Hi-tech pre-nightclub/ art gallery.

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