Norwescon, art show

From: Forrest Bishop (
Date: Mon Mar 03 1997 - 13:08:20 MST

   Norwescon is an annual science fiction convention held in Seattle,
March 27-30, 1997. Apparently 2 or 3 thousand people show up for this
over the course of the four days.
This year's 'Guests of Honor' include Robert Forward, Larry Niven,
and A. E. Van Vogt.
I am an invited speaker for several panels, readings and so forth, mostly
on 'nanotech in space', but also on whatever else I want to talk about.
One of the panels I'm on is "Realistic Interstellar Travel", along with
Robert Forward and Dana Andrews. Another is "Nanotech and the new
 look in SF", which may include some of my artwork from an upcoming

There is a fairly extensive art show at this con; if you would like to
 submit art for this I can either give you the contact numbers, or contact
 them for you. I see a thread on >H/Extro art, but haven't been following it.

Forrest Bishop

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