EXOTERRA: Space Events of 20th Century

From: Natasha V. More(f/k/a/Nancie Clark) (flexeon@primenet.com)
Date: Sat Mar 01 1997 - 10:49:40 MST

I'm putting together a proposal for a performance art piece to be performed
at the Planetary Society's 1997 Conference. In doing so, I would like to
refer to several breakthrough events that have taken in 20th Century. Events
that come to mind are:

1. Sputnik first breaking free of planet earth's atmosphere;
2. Apollo Misson and astronauts walking on moon;
3. Pioneer 10 leaving our solar system heading towards
        interstellar space; and
4. Hubble Telescope time-travel imaging.

If anyone would like to add to my list, or suggest events that might be
better to comment on, I'd appreciate advice. Thanks.

                        Natasha Vita More [f/k/a Nancie Clark]
        Extropic Art Manifesto!: http://www.primenet.com/~flexeon/extropic.htm
                              * * * * * * * * * *

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