Re: EXTROPIC ART: The Importance of Creativity

Date: Fri Feb 28 1997 - 15:00:57 MST

In a message dated 97-02-27 22:19:37 EST, you write:

<< ( snip of a great post by Natasha Vita More)
 Taking it a step further, we can add to the concept of "serious" creativity
 and give it more spin. Perhaps the earnest use of creativity could be a
 panacea for our extropic achievements. Just point to your head and say, "In
 here it all happens!"

What a marvelous IMAGE, Natasha ( yes, oh yes, images can be created by
I smile even as I write this...

Yes, in here it all happens... and then it happens on paper ( or electronica,
or wheerever), and then it happens in the real world...and then even some
times people even grok what it means!
; )
Even Einstein had to have it happen in his head first....

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