Soros and the Ruling Class

From: J. Daugherty (
Date: Wed Feb 26 1997 - 02:51:04 MST

Guru George is right! Though I applaud Soros where he has puts some of his money behind projects enhancing the free market such as the marijuana initiative, he most definitely aspires to the permanent ruling class an entity co-dependent with big government cartels, esp. that of Central Banking.

People like to make fun of LaRouche, and people should as LaRouche is an inveterate Statist, but LaRouche has identified one of the major International Capitalist Power bloc: The Queen of England's Empire of the City of London. Soros definitely aspires to permanent membership in this exclusive government manipulating club. His activities in regard to exchange rates are no doubt co-ordinated with the powers that be in the City and their agents/allies in Lower Manhattan for covert geopolitical reasons.

Yes, with her wealth and patronage I dare say the Queen still has influence behind the scenes, certainly as much as anyone else has in the City. She is in a much better position to influence societal memes than Parliament or Congress.....of course, there are other State Capitalist power the Rockefellers, DuPonts, etc. {LaRouche does not admit the importance of this}

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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Steve, Soros' comments are totally and utterly self-serving. Don't be
fooled! He is doing what people who get to the top have always done:
trying to stay there by toadying to government. Exactly the same things
were said by political businessmen towards the end of the 19th century,
and the support they gave to the concept of big government led to the
wonderful results we've had for most of this century.

This is the voice of mercantilism, not capitalism. Given that
literature reflects opinion, just look at the very first thing he says,
then go to any bookshop in town and count the number of books, popular
and academic, that support laissez faire, then count the number of books
that support intervention. Get the picture?

He is, quite simply, lying through his teeth. Why? He wants to make
the state more powerful because, being rich, he is in a position to
influence a powerful state to do things to his advantage, to make him
richer. It doesn't matter a damn to him what ideology the state upholds
- socialism, fascism, it's all the same, just so long as the state
becomes a more powerful instrument *in itself*. If the USA were even
more fascist than it is he would be singing a fascist song and
critiquing laissez faire from a fascist (e.g. nationalistic) point of
view and you wouldn't hear a peep about the poor and the disadvantaged.
As it is, the present flavour is towards the left, so he falls in with

You can bet your bottom dollar there wouldn't be very much re-distribution
of *his* money going on!

Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, but I was just shocked by the utter
cynical evil of what he was saying, and saddened by how you seemed to be
taken in.

Guru George

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