Transhuman Contact web service

From: Romana Machado (
Date: Sun Feb 16 1997 - 16:58:31 MST

The Transhuman Contact web service at
has been opened to public view and is ready to accept your contact
information. Now you can find transhuman individuals in your area, or
worldwide, and make it possible for others to contact you.

Many thanks to all beta-testers and bug-finders. If you have any difficulties in
using the service, please let me know.

Romana Machado
erotic site: "Romana Machado's Peek of the Week"
personal site: "Romana Machado World Headquarters"
transhuman site:

"O my soul, I gave you back the freedom over the created and uncreated;
and who knows, as you know, the voluptuous delight of what is yet to come?"
- Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

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