(Fwd) Re: >H Re: SPORT: Ready? . . . Break! Time Out!

From: Kathryn Aegis (aegis@igc.apc.org)
Date: Mon Feb 10 1997 - 08:45:16 MST

>Kathryn Aegis goes into the windup . . .

<huh? whazzat? wasn't I playing football a second ago.....what's
this small white round thing in my hand?.....>

>. . .the pitch . . .

Voiceover: Once transhumans developed posthuman capabilities, it became
        quite common for sporting events to be comprised of several sports
        combined into one game. This changed proved quite disconcerting
        to the first individuals to have attempted it. Not to mention
        the exhorbitant salaries paid to the teams of announcers......

>It's a slow floater! Morrow swings: "Outfit?"
>Ba dum dum.

And it lands on the green and rolls right into the hole!


Kathryn Aegis

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