Re: STOP LEAVING!!!! (was Re: Goodbye)

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 16:51:03 MST

On 04/02/97, Tom Morrow wrote:

>A word of assurance to relative newcomers: the Extropians list has always
>enjoyed a healthy turnover. They come in curious and leave the wiser.
>Why don't they stay and enjoy our company? Because students *should*
>graduate, to go forth into the great wide world. The scholarly and
>companionable hang on a bit longer.

        In addition, this list is a constant flux. An unknown amount of
people subscribe and unsubscribe per month. Hopefully those who have left
have gotten something out of our posts and, as Tom said, leave the wiser.
I think that we, as extropians, should have open minds to the ideals and
pursuits of others. We all have different personalities and interests, but
the same united goal of unlimited progress and maximized potential. Often
on the list, some will be enraged by certain posts or posters and in the
same effect, some will be enlightened. Just as the signal to noise ratio
fluxuates frequently. Those who are leaving the list are doing just that:
leaving the list...they are not forfeiting their extropianism. Don't worry
about it [referring to Chris Hind's post here]; cells replenish themselves,
as do we.

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell


     ~~~:~~~> E. ternity E. Shaun Russell
        :~~> E. xpansion
        :~~~> E. xtropy Extropic Artist,
                                                Transhumanities editor for
All life is art, --kineticize your potential. Homo Excelsior Magazine

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