RE: HELP! I'm being attacked by my family! National Emergency!

From: Jim Legg (
Date: Mon Feb 03 1997 - 18:27:55 MST

Mike (Jim Legg brackets what David Musick's proprietary belief-space is hiding in the open text), the best thing for you to do now, in your current dependent position is
to make yourself appear to have submitted to the will of the hands that feed
you (i.e. become a hypocrite - why not? It has always worked for us). You may have to lose access to the Internet for a while (hopefully for good - the Internet really is HELL - we want to use it to entrap the REAL terrorists - it is not supposed to compromise our precious ideals - we want the young to be ours), but that won't
prevent your mind from growing and coming up with lots of transhuman and
extropian ideas on your own (you don't need to 'contribute' to an idea that needs to be diluted and vanquished). You don't *need* the Internet *right now* (you need to forget you ever needed it).
There is much you can do on your own to improve your skills and knowledge (don't forget you will have to buy what you're allowed to think - from guess whom),
until you are skillful (in our ways sanctioned by our values) and knowledgable enough (e.g. an OTVI) that you can support yourself (con others - our motto = "I think therefore I scam")
through your own work (as a transhuman you will never be able to support yourself through your own work and will always need a collective technology - this thought should never be allowed except as fool-bait to entrap useless eaters into our make-work institutions).

I say, be practical first (you will learn to be always practical; even in your choice of pine box). Make sure you will have a place to live and food
to eat *first*; that is your first priority (forget how important you are and that you have no cause to get others to rally around you - we're not ready to face your reality). To ensure proper food and
shelter at this point for you requires a certain sacrifice of your freedom to
do other things (you don't know the meaning of sacrifice - what you have already sacrificed is so unimportant that you have to accept socially sanctioned cult-like forms of sacrifice as long as you never learn that you have been conned). You've got to go with the system you're in until you can
find a way to live in a different system (you will never find your way again once you get lost, just admit you were on the wrong path and listen to our blueprint for your mind). The situation you are in right now
requires certain sacrifices (choose your sacrifices from the socially approved mundane list, or we'll get you). You will have to submit to these sacrifices
until you work yourself into a situation that doesn't require those
sacrifices ( this way you will be lulled into a false security that says the harsh requirements will disappear always around the next corner) . You need to pretend to be submissive to those you depend on (all our major capitalist/corporatist societies and minor scientology-like cults work this way).
Gain their loving affections, and they will maintain the flow of resources to
You (who cares that these people are willing to desert you - if you learn to lie enough you can think of your family as a group of short lived pets - with this hardened attitude the only job you will be good for is in politics.). Eventually you will gain your independence if you keep developing your
knowledge and skills and using your creativity (and just when you think you've got it figured, ageism will get you; taking away your independence, discounting your skills and denying you resources for creativity. You will never be allowed to have enough of our money or permission to live very long) . If you learn to excell at
providing people with what they want, it is easier to convince them to give
you what you want, to make a trade with them (your chance of learning to control our spectacle is nil. You're not a team player and never will be so quit thinking our team wants anything from you but your willing slavery.)

Just keep improving yourself as much as you can, through whatever means don't
threaten the security of your life (there are people who's only activity is making sure you stay isolated so as not to spread your dangerous ideas). Eventually you will be competent enough
to establish your own independence. (you will be competent at compliance and if you think you can independently become transhuman without the co-operation of similar thinking others, that's because you're supposed to think this way and stop being a worry.)

- David Musick

-- Don't rock the boat... at least not while you're still in it. - (this way we'll always keep you just out of reach of your goal. We'll always make you think there are sharks in the water - you don't know how to swim - you'll always be in over your head. You're not getting out of this boat alive, so don't rock it while we're still in it)

-- Martyrdom isn't heroic at all; it's just stupid. - (in fact it's so stupid to think that 'sacrifice = martyrdom' could ever work we never allow anything but our own carefully regurgitated psychologically damaging hypocritical martyrs)

-- Unless you can row, go with the flow. - (you will never be permitted to row, so just get used to it. What ever you do don't ever think that we don't control the flow)

(Finally : if you think that there are loopholes in our laws that allow you protection, you're not only kidding yourself but we will just have to use hastily crafted statutes to get rid of all mechanisms for setting precedence in our New World Order. This is unavoidable because the precedent you would set can't be allowed and we will make you disappear. The main damage you will do, with your persistence, is to force us into totalitarianism and commence our population reduction program.- our Final Solution...)

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