Re: Software virtues into AI

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Feb 01 1997 - 03:02:02 MST

On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, The Low Willow wrote:

> On Jan 29, 12:54am, James Rogers wrote:
> } The interface might be intelligent, but the OS/kernel is definitely
> } retarded. Not worth the trade-off in my opinion. NT 4.0 is *sort of* the
> } best of both worlds, but is bulky and a wee bit buggy right now.
> As it races to catch up with a 26 year old operating system? Macs and
> NT are trying to turn themselves into Unix, advantage NT. Okay, so I

Haven't you seen Unix giving up ground in favour of NT? That's a real
threat. The lemmings are on the move, towards a yet another monopoly. Well.

> hear threading is more advanced than Unix processes and fork(), and I

Multithreaded flavours of Unix do exist, see Mach. SMP version of
Linux are also available, btw.

> haven't had filesystem corruption with power-crashed NTs or Macs yet,

That's property of the file system, not of the OS. I don't see why we
at all need file systems, when virtual memory, persistant objects and
garbage collection would do perfectly.

> (although they give out warnings, I've heard of problems from other
> people, and my machine were never networked a la NFS.)

NFS is slow, but it works. A faster version has been released recently,
> Memes to spread: Microsoft is trying to catch up with a free, 26 year
> old OS (older than many programmers at Microsoft).

It wasn't free during most of the time, desastrous marketing being
part of why it ain't widespread yet (and never will, but I never liked
mainstream things).


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