Re: Immortality and Resources

From: Jim Legg (
Date: Fri Jan 31 1997 - 21:30:12 MST

> Maybe its me, but all of the people I talk to from New Zealand on the
> net seem to have varying degrees of this socialist memeplex of
> "capitalism is evil" propaganda. The big confusion people who condemn
> capitalism because of its supposed evil impacts have seems to be that
> they confuse capitalism with mercantilism, as many have noted here in
> the past. Not only is this the result of decades of communist
> propaganda, but also the overt behavior of mercantilists who trot around
> claiming to be capitalists. Kind of like the Republican party, which
> tends to run around claiming to believe in libertarian principles, yet
> can't ever seem to vote for any REAL libertarian proposals.

You might be asking if current systems can withstand scrutiny. I claim they
can and show this below. Obfuscating definitions may be your way of
dissembling meaning. I don't disguise the Hegelian dialectic that I see you
using to evade the issue. That is simply stated as:

(1) The need to keep harnessing everything and everyone by a limited
communication system that uses instrumental value instead of a suitably
estimated intrinsic value. Things don't have to balance to zero you know.
Things don't have to balance at all. There are such things as "below the
bottom line" items. Gambling is such an activity. A declaration in deficit
accounting is such an item and as such is measurable against standards of
activity. Control of the worldwide stability of these imbalances is easily

(2) An artificial intelligence produced "below the bottom line item" could
be created in a controlled manner by, say, historically retiring a random
historical time period uniformly over all banking computers everywhere,
from every event file and then all balances get recalculated and reset as
needed. What you would have is still a fully functional worldwide system
but each person would have a reconciliation entry "below the bottom line"
to bring them back to zero. In this highly controllable environment some
will gain and some will loose but will still remain the same till the next
random hit on a days worth of world wide information.

(3) Soon banking will loose its grip and the ability to charge interest
will cease, because how can you inflate an intrinsic group value; - but the
systems are perfected. Tort will become unheard of because of the alibi
inside our total recall exoselves. The system strength will grow in by
repairing itself. This will be cause for fun. Recruits get all the total
recall experience and show will power to record and teach everything.
Prisoners will be trained to get what they want using the "below the bottom
line" method and will have limited motivation to rob and murder as they do
now, sometimes within hours of release.

(3) One system will evolve and one won't. We are experiencing shifting to a
worldwide intrinsic accounting system. Agree this is as natural as the
world of printed books giving way to digital books. Thus, we get to keep
the best of systems science and remove the shield of privacy from the worst
of predatory human nature; - as expressed in a glaring structural fault in
the price system.

(4) The "anything box", "the 2000 bug" and others are coming and we should
examine every contingency to stave off a disaster, including this one. So I
guess the money days should be gradually gone just before the "anything
box" arrives to an expectant population.

        (a) Select the 2000 bug, for example, and make a public accounting entry
okaying the miscalculations.
        (b) The errors will go away anyway handled this way, btw.
        (c) There could even be lottery tickets for the "error of the day" winner
as everyone can see it. (d) However and this is the reality of the present
group-think about instrumental value is that one doesn't realize the
creation of even gratuitous costs is an increase in the overall "scarcity
de-coupled" money supply, obtainable by the "print for a fee," privately
run, central banksters.
        (e) See that a shackled prisoner going to jail instead of to a park-bench
really does increase an instrumentally valued economy rather than
impoverish it. Think of all the commercial activity surrounding the
        (f) Your indignant cry about costs is hiding a disguised permission
control system and has nothing to do with future realities.
        (f) All national debt is a joke to frighten the mundanes and in a
mind-control way stop them from seeing the shysters for what they are.

(5) A next step could be public spirited and enthusiastic acceptance of the
inner workings of this approach. Public emergency drills could be held to
measure for effectiveness and preparedness for the "anything box." This
won't sound anything like a totalitarian approach because the "fire drills"
will be only for those aided into the program, which is everyone who loses
old transactions in the fire drills. The money-users like the printed
book-users will fade away. It is important to note that real-time
implementation problems presented by these "fire drills" come only after
stage (1).


Jim Legg
Man * Soul / Computer = 12 ^ (I think therefore I surf)

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