Siamese Brains and Uploading

From: Mike Cowar. (
Date: Thu Jan 30 1997 - 07:42:52 MST

If I connected my brain to another brain by a neuron
 what would it feel like?
Could I switch brains?
How could conciousness be transfered?

Oh no.
I forgot what makes me me.

Oh well, being uploaded is the goal of this topic so I'll talk about that.
I want it to be an evolution.
I want everything that is a part of me to become what will be me.
I am afraid that most uploading process being explored
 would not be considered evolution.
For instance if my body were destroyed during a scan,
 which would be used to design and construct a new body,
 I would at that time experience "death".
That is not something I want to experience.
Perhaps I'll consider that process if my vaporized particles would be
molded, but I imagine realizing that the substance which makes up my
pattern is now disintegrating and floating away unbidden is a bit
uncomfortable ( a bit like my mind forming a thought which is beyond it's
normal physical limitations ).
Do you want your brain to become a cloud,
 rapidly dispersing beyond your control?
I do not.

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