Re: Venus Automorphs Into Great Mathematician, Loses Psyche

From: Joy Williams (
Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 15:09:10 MST

At 10:43 PM 1/29/97 +0100, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>If a personal property is bell-shaped distributed, and we're
>interested in the outer right fringe of it, then a double jackpot
>is highly improbable. Hence the empiric fact that brains and looks
>do not mix.

(I'm assuming that was tongue in cheek.)

I have run into a phenomena which distresses me. I have known women who
are attractive and are very smart, act dumb because that is somehow
expected. That brains and looks don't mix, and they won't attract men if
they use their brains. I haven't seen it *often* but I have seen it.

I find intelligence more attractive than physical appearance anyway.

>P.S. is not a function of gender, of course.

Of course not.


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